So, all sources indicate that Bart is going to bite it pretty soon in the TV show (what I've read seems to indicate that it will be the arc from 2.12-2.14). After the funeral, Chuck takes off for Bangkok, or Thailand, or somewhere like that, and is eventually literally carried home by his uncle Jack (who we'll be meeting for the first time.)
My plan right now is for Chuck to find a newspaper or magazine on the bookshelf with an article or obituary on his father. His daddy issues will immediately manifest with a vengeance, and he's pretty much going to grab the nearest quantity of alcohol at hand and take off, leaving no word. He'll be gone for probably 2 or 3 days, having holed up either somewhere in the caves or in an abandoned hut somewhere to drown his sorrows and drink himself into a stupor. If you guys want, the UESers can eventually find a copy of the newspaper/magazine among his things and put the pieces together. After a couple of days, he'll either a) somehow make his way home or b) be found by one or more of his friends (I'd prefer the latter, personally) and be brought back to the compound to detox and deal.
That's what I've got so far. Thoughts, comments, questions?