(no subject)

Jun 18, 2005 18:28


+ name: Vanessa
+ age: Sixteen
+ location: Saskatchewan, Canada
+ siblings: An older sister and a younger sister, we all dance!
+ if you have a job, what do you do? I am an assitant at my dance studio.
+ hobbies ((besides dance)): Singing, acting, creative writing, soccer, cross-country, cheerleading.
+ name 3 interesting facts about yourself that DO NOT pertain to dance: 1. I speak French. 2. I loooove shopping. 3. I enjoy creative writing.
+ favorite food? Chicken Quesadillas
+ favorite restaurant? Pita Pit

your dance life:
+ dance studio: Dance Innovations
+ who do you dance for: For Myself :)
+ years dancing: 10
+ subjects studied: Ballet, tap, jazz, Ukrainian, hip hop, lyrical and contemporary
+ are you a competitive dancer? if so, put years competing: Yes, I attended my first Ukrainian dance competition at age six and my first ballet/tap/jazz one at age ten.
+ what are some achievements earned at a studio and/or at competition ((both individual and group acheivements)): Dancing for Queen Elizabeth II was my most memorable moment and also receiving a scholarship at Triple Threat Dance Convention.
+ do you dance for your regular school?((college, high school, jr. high, etc.)): No, we unfortunately don't have a dance team. I do participate in cheerleading though.
+ if you could improve anything about yourself dance-wise, what would it be?
+ what is your favorite brand of dance gear? ((Capezio, Bloch, Leo, etc.)) I love Capezio!! :) Comfort is key!

+ female dancer: Evelyn Hart, she has been dancing principal since her early twenties.. she's still up there and about to retire. She is fabulous and captives audience after audience.
+ male dancer: Gene Kelly, totally amazing. He blew me away in every movie he's been in.
+ dance movie((s)): Save the Last Dance!
+ dance subject: Ukrainian and Ballet
+ dance competition: Dance Power.. the workers are so friendly!!
+ live dance performance: Nothing beats the Nutcracker. I performed in it when I was nine and will be forever mesmerized.
+ dance quote: "Dancing with the feet is one thing, dancing with the heart is another".
+ best dance advice you’ve ever been given: Never ever give up. If you give up just because you are not accepted at an audition once you will never succeed. Failure is not falling down, but staying down.
+ do you have a favorite dance website? please share the link! I love going on www.dance.net. It has incredible advice and tons of great info on all sorts of dance, for beginners, intermediates and advanced dancers.

either or:
+ ballet or lyrical? Ballet
+ tap or jazz? Tap
+ barre work or center work? Barre work, it is unusual, but I love barre work even though it seems more tedious.
+ hip-hop or modern? Modern
+ the second before you perform, or the second the music stops? The second before the music stops. I feel a huge rush of emotions. When we performed our lyrical group for the last time, I could feel tears running down my face because I was overcome with it being our last year together as a group. Sometimes when I'm almost done, I am smiling so hard I could almost start laughing. Dance has always been the best way for me to express myself.
+ group number or solo? Group numbers so much more fun. You also have the support of the other members and just the feeling of being a team.
+ right side or left side? ((some people prefer to do things on a particular side)) I'm more flexible on my left, I turn better on my right.

we're just curious! it's time to think!:
+ do you think dance is a sport?: Yes, of course it is. Dancers work just as hard as any athletes and they have to look beautiful, energetic, composed and captivating while doing so! Dance is very challenging and harder than any other sport I've played. I think dance is an art form and a sport.. making it completely and utterly breathtaking.
+ what do you say to someone who looks at dancing as easy ((the “I could do that” attitude))? I laugh at them. My best friend makes fun of dance all the time. Once I let her try on my old pointe shoes and she struggled to walk in them (not even en pointe) I think she has a much greater appreciation for what we go through now.
+ what do you tell yourself to get over that “I can’t do this” hump? You have to believe in yourself and have people supporting you along the way. Dance can be stressful and there will always be challenges along the way. To get through a tough class, I make sure I am smiling and enjoying myself to the best of my ability.. after all, why would I do it if it didn't make me happy?
+ why do you dance?: I dance because it is something that's been a part of me since I can remember. Dancing has always been there, through the good times and bad. When a boy breaks your heart, you can throw all of your heartbreak into your dancing. You can use it as a release. I dance to express myself and to learn and grow as an individual.
+ what is your favorite part of dance?: There are so many that it is hard to pick. I love meeting new people who share the same passion as I do about dance. I love performing because it is giving back to the audience.
+ what is your least favorite part of dance?: My teacher picks favourites. It is hurtful and annoying. It is hard enough to be good enough for yourself.
+ brag a little. what are some of the strongest points of your dancing?: I have a high performance level. My face tells it all. It's the sheer joy of doing it.
+ how did you start dancing?: I started with creative dance when I was four. I was hooked!!
+ how did you hear about im_fabulous? From my friend, shinybling_ :) Thanks hun!!

+ if you'd like, go ahead and post a few pictures of yourself dancing. go ahead and post your feet en pointe or just pointed, your extension, a favorite costume, etc. for some ideas! trust us when we say this… we are picture whores and LOVVVE to see pictures!! ((especially of our members…)) even if it’s just a picture of a famous dancer or a cool pose or something, let us see what you find beautiful or nifty! but seriously, have fun with it! We are a fun group of gals who all share the same passion that you do!

Sorry, I don't have any current pictures.. but here are a few ones I really like:

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