(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 00:42

+ name: Marisa
+ age: 16
+ location: Lewiston, ID
+ siblings: 1 older (19) 1 younger (13)
+ if you have a job, what do you do? McDonalds..i have to pay for everything myself.
+ hobbies ((besides dance)): RUNNING, Singing, writing, four-wheeling
+ name 3 interesting facts about yourself that DO NOT pertain to dance:
1. I am at my cabin almost every weekend mudding with my fourwheeler.
2. My friends are my life.
3. I have more clothes than a person could ever imagine.
+ favorite food? apples.   Seriously, my favorite of all time.  i also love ramen.
+ favorite restaurant? Applebees, Red robin.

your dance life:
+ dance studio: dance extreme! 
+ who do you dance for: myself :)
+ years dancing: 14, started when i was 2.
+ subjects studied: tap, jazz, hip hop.
+ are you a competitive dancer? if so, put years competing: For my school, yes.  But just started last year.
+ what are some achievements earned at a studio and/or at competition ((both individual and group acheivements)): uhh, a lot of 1st place drill-down competitions.  And a billion trophies and ribbons from my tap and jazz dance.
+ do you dance for your regular school?((college, high school, jr. high, etc.)): yes.
+ if you could improve anything about yourself dance-wise, what would it be? i don't know, i suppose my leaps.   they could use some work.
+ what is your favorite brand of dance gear? ((Capezio, Bloch, Leo, etc.)) capezio!  so comfy

+ female dancer: i don't know if its allowed, but my best friend Alia.  Shes my hero, shes a  hardcore ballet dancer.  She quit school, takes online classes, and is in ballet class 6 hours a day.  She is seriously my hero.
+ male dancer:Ethan Stiefel
+ dance movie((s)): save the last dance
+ dance subject: hip-hop
+ dance competition: haven't really been to a "real" one, only my own competitions.
+ live dance performance: haven't been to one.  (i live in a small hick town.  nothign really goes on here)
+ dance quote: "Dance with your heart, dance what you feel, thats when you know the dancer is real"
+ best dance advice you’ve ever been given: "Dance your heart out.  Don't mind the audiance, do what you love, do what you feel."  That runs through my head every day before my performance, or my moral is low.
+ do you have a favorite dance website? please share the link! www.dance.net

either or:
+ ballet or lyrical? ballet
+ tap or jazz? tap
+ barre work or center work? center
+ hip-hop or modern?hip-hop
+ the second before you perform, or the second the music stops? the second before
+ group number or solo? solo, but groups are always wonderful.
+ right side or left side? ((some people prefer to do things on a particular side)) left.

we're just curious! it's time to think!:
+ do you think dance is a sport?: Yes.  Dance is a sport.  I personally think it is one of the HARDEST sports i will ever compete in.  I even wrote a report about it.   It was long, or i would post it. hehe.
+ what do you say to someone who looks at dancing as easy ((the “I could do that” attitude))? Well, me being a very stubborn, smart alleck person i would probley say "lets see you do it.  Lets see you do three turns on one foot, go through one of our dance classes, and then we'll see how you feel"
+ what do you tell yourself to get over that “I can’t do this” hump? I just take a deep breath.  Calm down a little bit.  and just try again.  I hate the word "cant" so i try not to use it, atleast on a good day.
+ why do you dance?: my mom pushed me into it to begin with.  and now its just a way of living.  if i haven't danced for awhile, you don't want to be around me.  I'm grumpy.
+ what is your favorite part of dance?: the rush of being out there, in front of hundreds of people, doing what you love. 
+ what is your least favorite part of dance?: Pulled muscles.
+ brag a little. what are some of the strongest points of your dancing?: My flexability.  I do all three splits.  I'm the most flexible on my team.  And sometimes people will ask my to show off some random spot.  And my turns are pretty good.  I'm satisfied with them, along with my coach.
+ how did you start dancing?: My mom.  Although she doesn't support me dancing anymore, she started me when i was 2 tap dancing.  Which later moved to jazz.  Then she pulled me out of tap and jazz, and i just started hip-hop.
+ how did you hear about im_fabulous? danceranonymous

+ if you'd like, go ahead and post a few pictures of yourself dancing. go ahead and post your feet en pointe or just pointed, your extension, a favorite costume, etc. for some ideas! trust us when we say this… we are picture whores and LOVVVE to see pictures!! ((especially of our members…)) even if it’s just a picture of a famous dancer or a cool pose or something, let us see what you find beautiful or nifty! but seriously, have fun with it! We are a fun group of gals who all share the same passion that you do!

(sorry guys, i don't really have any of me dancing..like i said, my parents don't like me dancing all that much, so i don't have people to really take pictures.)

but this is me.

my splits.  when i was very fat.  hehe.
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