i'm still sick but i'm on my way to the doctor so hopefully i can get better and eat cause i am sooo hungry. 3 days without real food is not a good way to go for me...blah...thanks erik. i love you too. mwah!
erik, this is a small world, i have discovered you through chelsea. i know we were actual friends in the past, but i am adding you as my lj friend now. this is rachel from joy. hi.
yes, I do have a sn on aim. ether intake so its easy, same as my lj except without the underscore. is yours xExplodingHeartx ? so yah, hit me up on aim sometime.
I actually recall that. I don't remember what you sound like or what words were spoken, but yah. that's more crazy small world stuff. go ahead and talk to me on aim if you want.
Comments 6
so its easy, same as my lj except without the underscore. is yours xExplodingHeartx ? so yah, hit me up on aim sometime.
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