Yesterday was good Today was good I only had 3 hours though I saw Chelsea a Friday and a bit today It was fun, I had a good time But now, I need some smokes And I gotta call up the Zach Knight
Everything is going so great! I don't want it to stop I've never been so happy ...Please don't let it stop! Tommarow I get to see Chelsea probably and then again on Friday It will be so great I have sooo much fun with her
Today was awesome too We had band practice and Mike from S.P.H. came After we dropped Hans off me and Chelsea hung out Chelsea and I went to the park We sat on a bench and watched little kids play I felt old...haha We went on a walk around the was nice Then sat on a bench some more I'm so happy all the time
Yesterday was great I didn't have school I got to see Chelsea from 3-9...6 hours of greatness We had fun...even though we didn't do much...but that doesn't matter I've never been so happy ever She makes me feel so awesome and I love it Today after the band practices I get to see her again It will be good