Series 1: Basics
Name: Angel
Birthday: August 25
Birthplace: Milford, CT
Current Location: Wallingford, CT
Current Job: Secretary, PacSun Sales Associate, musician.
Eye Color: Light brown.
Hair Color: Black.
Righty or Lefty: Righty.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Innie or Outtie: Innie, thanks.
Religion: n/a
Series 2: Who is...?
the prettiest male you know of: The prettiest? My singer, John. He's pretty.
the prettiest female you know of: My friend Erin. She's alarmingly gorgeous.
The weirdest person you know: Chris, and that's why he's the greatest.
the Loudest Person you Know: Hmmm... That would have to go to everyone in my family, both immediate and extended.
the Quietest Person you Know: Erin. Until she gets drunk.
the Sweetest Person you Know: Chris and Paulette.
the Sexiest Person you Know: Heh. We'll leave this one alone.
Your close friends: At the moment, Chris and Chrissy. Marci too, but she lives too damn far away.
the Person that Knows the Most about you: Chrissy, definitely.
the person you love the most in the whole entire world right now forever: My friends and my family, definitely.
Series 3: What is...?
your most overused phrase on msn: I don't use msn. I use AIM. And in that case, it would be "sweet deal".
the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: Stupid alarm clock...
last image/thought you go to sleep with: Usually something band-related.
your best feature: I'd say my hands. Some would say my eyes. One has said my lips, but I don't see that.
your greatest accomplishment: This band, damnit.
your most missed memory: At the moment, there's nothing I miss.
Series 4: Do You...?
take a shower everyday: Unless I'm sick, yes.
have a(any) crush(es): Yes. ::blush:
think you know you've been in love: I'm not sure.
want to get married: No.
Believe in yourself: For the most part.
have any tattoos/where?: One on my arm, one on my back.
piercings/where?: Just my ears.
get motion sickness: Depends on how heavy the motion.
think you're a health freak: Ha!
get along with your parents: Of course.
like thunderstorms: My god, yes.
Series 5: Your Future:
Age you hope to be married?: n/a
Number and Names of Children: None. Children scare me.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Rock star. No, I'm not kidding.
What country would you most like to visit?: Germany and Ireland. And Italy. Definitely Italy.
Series 6: what you think of the opposite sex?
best eye color?: I dig brown eyes. Green, too.
best hair color?: Dark.
short or long hair?: Depends on the guy.
best height?: Taller than me is fine.
best articles of clothing?: Heh, boxer briefs.
best first date location?: Bowling. Or Hooters.
best first kiss location?: Somewhere spontaneous.
describe your dream mate: Someone who laughs with me all the time, can hold a coherent, intelligent conversation, and loves to just hang around and watch DVDs and eat Nutella and pretzels. Or someone who thinks beer and pizza is a great date. Because it is.
series 7: Other:
What do you Wear to bed?: In the winter, a sweater and some sleep pants. In the summer, nothing.
when's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?: I have a live cat. She does the trick.
How many rings until you answer the phone?: However many it takes for me to get to it.
What's on your mouse pad?: Uh...some website address.
How many houses have you lived in?: Six in total.
How many schools have you gone to?: Again, six.
What color is your bedroom carpet?: Reddish.
What are you wearing right now?: White hooded sweater over a purple camisole, dark blue jeans, black high-heeled boots.
Are you in love?: With music, man.
Have you ever been in love?: In the way you mean, I'm not sure.
Are you sexually active?: Yes.
Do you have a significant other?: As of last night, no.
How well do love and sex go together?: I don't think either is necessary for the existance of the other.
Would you ever give oral sex in a random hookup?: I don't generally have random hookups.
Do you even do random hookups?: See above.
Have you ever been a "slut" or a "player" in a serious manner?: Not that I know of.
Do you use people?: Boy, I hope not.
Been used?: I'm sure I have.
Do you believe in waiting until marriage to have sex? Uh...too late.
Have you ever had a crush on a friend's boy/girlfriend?: Yes. ::dies::
Have you ever done anything with a friend's boy/girlfriend?: Not when they were still together. ::dies again::
Is it really better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?: Not in every case.
Has anyone ever used a pick up line on you?: Yeah. And it made me laugh. But he still didn't get my number.
Do you like bad boys?: No. I like guys that treat people with respect.
What's your favorite toy(s)?: My guitars.
Do you joke about sex a lot?: It's the best subject to joke about.
Can you relate anything to sex?: Not everything.
When was the last time you got some?: ::coughs:: Yesterday.
Is there someone you're longing to be with right this very second? Kinda?
So, what's your ideal romantic date?: Pizza and beer and bowling. All at the same time. Or walking around town people watching after getting Hooters and Starbucks.
If you liked someone and they asked you out, but they didn't believe in sex before marriage, would you turn them down?: Nah. If I liked them enough, it wouldn't matter.
Does someone's social status/reputation have an effect on whether you would say yes or no if they asked you out?: Nope.
Would you date someone who would be likely to get you in trouble? Nah, I'm not 15 anymore.
Ever been caught doing something sexual with someone? Nope.
Ever walked in on your parents having sex? Haha! No!
Do you carry condoms even if you never end up using them? I usually end up using them, thanks.
Would you/have you ever skinny dipped? Nope, but I would.
Have you had sex? Yes.
More than 50 times? Uh, yeah.
Have you ever given anyone a blow job? Yes.
If you haven't done any of the above, would you? n/a
If someone paid you, would you have sex with someone of the same sex as you? What? No.
Are You Straight or Gay? Straight.
If you could, would you look in on someone having sex? If they were both hot enough. Heh.
Would you look in on your parents having sex? No no no no.
Girls, have you ever been pregnant? Nope.
Guys, your girl ever been pregnant? n/a
Do you think any of your siblings are sexy? Uh, no.
Have you ever had oral sex? Yep.
Have you ever had sex with a stranger? No!
If not, do you want to? Well, technically I don't know Brett Scallions of Fuel, and I'd shag him until he was blue in the face.
Which one are you more afraid of getting...Aids or Pregnant? Uh, AIDS! Moron!