I think this has already been overposted to the point of near extinction, but oh well. Isn't that... boy who used to go to our school... Kaiba? Yeah, isn't that him all over the news? What exactly happened? I'm a little worried.. I know someone informally that I think knows him, so I hope he's alright.
I'm really sorry about that whole... situation with Hao. He didn't feed you too many lies, did he? ..Actually, uh... I do need to talk to you about something though. My father is still fine with me seeing you, so if it's possible, can we meet up at either of our houses sometime? I don't know if it's safe for us to talk in the school after what happened last time. You know where I live ^_^ <3
... I can't believe I haven't slept yet. -___- So... exhausted...