Name: Cho
IM: doubleicho
Characters played at Discedo: N/A and I've been out of the RP world a few years, so I'm unconditionally rusty. :\
Character's Name: Kaiba Seto/Seto Kaiba/Moneybags
Timeline: After the end of season five of the anime, but before the start of GX, making his age approximately 25 and his overall demeanor a little more mature.
Canon Resource Link:
Wikipedia Knows Too Much,
A Typical Reaction of His Extremeness,
Unofficial Theme Song that Sums Him Up Well Personality:
When and if you ever meet Kaiba Seto for the first time, you will probably notice three key things about him right away. He is cold. He is cunning. He is rich, and he knows it. He also knows what those three things bring to the table as far as reputation goes and how to use them. He is someone not to be messed with, and if he ever is, that person will greatly regret it.
This goes without saying that Seto is an extremist; perhaps you could even call him obsessive compulsive. He can never simply do something to do it, everything has to have purpose and everything has to be Big. It is all or nothing with him. In some ways you could say he is imbalanced. He almost never smiles and carries a constant cruel, “I-am-better-than-you” air about him. He doesn’t seem to know how to relax and just be happy in the moment. He is always plotting for the next thing, the next plan, the next event, his next move. In essence, he’s a bit of a control freak.
You could say this is one reason he is very good at what he loves to do, which is win. At everything. All the time. But more specifically, he likes to win duel competitions. This same reason is also why it is such a humiliation and a shock to him when he doesn’t win. When he loses, he always takes it as if it is the end, that he will never amount to anything again and he should just give up.
And then a little later, he starts planning his revenge, his rise back to greatness. And he usually succeeds. And then he loses again. And the cycle repeats itself.
Seto does have a brilliant mind (although sometimes he seems to lack common sense); he single-handedly designed several models of his duel disk that projects holographs of duel monsters to enhance the playing of the game. But because he wants to win so badly, he doesn’t always use his intelligence for the right causes.
Although at first glance he seems to be ruthless and empty of every emotion but greed, pride, and hatred; there is more to this man. He cares deeply for his little brother, Mokuba, and holds his safety above all else, or at least he tries to. Sometimes his need to win clouds his judgment.
When he was able to take over his step-father’s company, he destroyed the island that held secret weapons of mass destruction and created Kaibaland. He also turned the company towards being a pure gaming company. So, he does have a general interest in the well beings of others. As long as his own interests are met first along the way.
Let it be noted, that what emotions he does show, are usually to the extreme. When he is angry or losing in a duel, he will have vivid facial expressions and fling his arms wildly about, sometimes using his whole body as a way to project his current emotion. He either lets his emotions out completely to fill the room, or keeps them completely bottled up so he is unreadable and thus rather scary to be around.
He also thinks paranormal things, such as the magic of the sennen items are complete and utter bullshit. He has moments of doubt when it seems there is no other explanation but magic. But once the event is over, he reverts back into complete denial and thinks anyone who does believe is completely mad. Which is why it pisses him off every time he loses to Yuugi Mutou in a duel. Well, that and because to become the ultimate dueling champion, he only has to beat Yuugi, which he just cannot seem to do.
Seto is very goal oriented and without them, his life would become unorganized and possibly chaotic. He probably wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
Beating Yuugi seems to have become his main obsession in life. Seto is always creating new competitions and events that will give him a chance to battle Yuugi again.
He also believes that anyone can be swayed, in other words, everyone has a price. But Yuugi doesn’t seem to have one, and that confounds him and perhaps pushes him to want to beat Yuugi more. Seto wants to knock him down a few pegs (back into reality), so to speak (although he could use some peg knocking himself).
As he’s grown and matured, he has learned to handle things a little differently and has even admitted that Yuugi is the better duelist. But that doesn’t mean he’s given up on defeating Yuugi.
To sum it up, Seto thinks he’s awesome and everyone else is not.
What your character can offer: He is very intelligent and good at reaching almost any goal he sets for himself. If he decided he wanted to set up a proper, regulated economy with a tangible type of currency in Discedo, he’d probably succeed. He is also brilliant with technology and could repair or build necessary electronic devices needed in Discedo. He is also good at negotiating. When he feels like it.
What items will they be bringing with them? His typical set of clothing: black long sleeved shirt, black leather pants, white trench coat with straps starched to hell, his necklace, and boots with straps. A duel disk that recharges using solar power and his brief case filled with his deck organized in the proper slots.
Third-Person Sample:
His shoulders slumped a mere quarter of an inch, the only indication that the figure standing at the window was human.
It had been four months since Kaiba Corps stocks’ had plummeted and it seemed as if they would sit on rock bottom forever, just as he himself was now.
Seto watched the busy street fifty stories below his office window, unable to leave the spot. Tokyo’s lights so bright, it felt as if it was only five in the afternoon, not one in the morning.
Mokuba had called to tell him earlier that day that angry stockholders were outside their estate again, picketing and shouting, demanding compensation for their losses. They had already given up hope on him. They believed he would never rebuild his company back to greatness. That all was lost.
He leaned forward, letting the glass cool the heat radiating from his forehead.
He wondered if they were right.
Perhaps if he had been better prepared for Dartz, perhaps if he hadn’t been so blinded by his own goals, he would have seen this coming, this ravaging of his own playing field. As of now, due to his own selfishness and competitive nature, his company was in ruins, his reputation in shambles and those that respected him no longer did.
He paced to his office chair, uncharacteristically slumping down in it, letting its huge form hide him from the outside world. He felt unusually vulnerable, he also felt tired. Of everything.
Seto still felt that old desire, curling in the back of his mind. He wanted to be the greatest. Wanted to be known by all. He wanted to be the World’s ultimate duel monster player. But, to do that, he still had one obstacle left. A seemingly huge obstacle.
He still had to defeat Mutou Yuugi.
It seemed so trivial, so insignificant when examining the overall picture. He had done everything else right. Become the champion in every other aspect of the game. Collected some of the rarest cards known to man and destroyed the ones that he could not.
And yet, time and again, he could not defeat that damnable short man. Someone who valued friendship over success and fortune. Someone who’d rather play duel monsters for fun than for the thrill of competition. Some who believed in magic!
How could someone with such ridiculous values defeat him every time?!
It was disgusting.
He felt the cold iron of hatred encase his spine, seep into his brain. Perhaps there were other ways of dispatching Mutou as a player in Seto’s game.
It was his game after all.
He pulled his cell phone from his trench coat’s pocket which hung over the back of his desk chair.
It was picked up on the first ring.
Seto smiled, “I have a job for you.”
A picture of Mokuba stared at him from his desk. Innocent and disapproving.
Guilt ebbed at him.
What was more important to him?
The person on the other line waited for instructions.
“I’ll have to call you back,” he clicked the phone closed, placing it back in his coat pocket.
Would he stoop to Gozaburo’s level?
He took out his deck, shuffled it, then placed his three Blue Eyes White Dragons in a row without looking on his desk.
First Person Sample:
[He smirks into the camera, then glances to the city streets below. Yuugi and his gang of idiots had no idea what they were up against, but they were about to find out. He starts speaking to the camera. The green screen behind him shows nothing but darkness as his image is projected on huge monitors throughout Domino’s streets.]
Attention citizens of Domino!
[He pauses, letting them take in his threatening image.]
Welcome to my newest duel tournament. I see many of you are already here and ready.
Well. [He narrows his eyes.] That’s just too bad.
[He smirks again and holds up a list.]
If you don’t meet my requirements, you can’t enter.
[He listens to the uproar coming from the streets below. He already knows most of the entrants won’t make the cut and that’s what he planned on. He was already one step closer to defeating Yuugi and claiming the title that was rightfully his.]
Number one: the entrant must have won at least one duel tournament, whether nationally or internationally. Two: the entrance fee is forty-five-thousand yen.
If you meet the first two requirements, then your deck will be analyzed by my experts. If they deduce that your deck has no chance of beating mine. You will not be allowed to enter.
[He tosses the list away, crosses his arms and sneers.]
Tough luck, mutt.