The interesting thing about these courses is that they ironically compliment each other, despite being completely different subjects. Because now I have to relearn all about my language and another language on top of that.
Course Description
English 203 traces the history of the English language frm its earliest Indo-European and Germanic roots to the present day. We'll be looking at the historical and cultural forces that have shaped this dynamic language, studying their effect on English grammar, syntax, sound, vocabulary, and even spelling, and noting examples of these changes in representative texts.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course I should be able to:
1. Describe the major periods of development of the English language;
2. Identify and explain important features of the language at its various stages of development;
3. Use and understand basic terms and tools for describing English;
4. Write confidently and accurately about English as a product and reflection of a variety of external and internal forces;
5. Use and apply standard scholarly research and tools pertaining to the English language and history.
Weighting of Course Requirements
Exercises from Workbook = 10%
OED Research Assignment = 15%
Midterm Exam (60 mins) = 15%
Research Essay = 25%
Attendace/Participation = 5%
Final Exam (3 hours) = 30%
Important Dates
Oct. 13- First Essay due (minimum 1000 words)
Oct. 20- Midterm
Nove. 27- Second Essay due (minimum 2000 words)
Dec. 13- Final Exam
REQUIRED: Treffpunkt Deutsch (German buddies, what does this mean? ^_^;;;)
OPTIONAL: Oxford Starter Dictionary
OPTIONAL: German Irregular Verb Wheel
OPTIONAL: English Grammar for Students of German
Grade Evaluation
Midterm I: 10%
Midterm 2: 15%
Final Exam: 30%
Short quizzes: 16%
Written assignments/homework: 17%
Oral Assignments: 4%
Lab Participation: 3%
Class Participation: 5%
Important Dates
Midterm I: October 4
Midterm II: November 8
Dec. 1 and 4- Final Exam