Don't worry. You will find someone soon. You are a truly beautiful creature - someone will see that beauty soon (I already have, but due to a cursed thing known as gender cannot rightly act upon this observation). And as stalker-ish as this all sounds, I am not a stalker, only an observer that resides with you in the hellhole known as Haile - (but then again, don't all stalkers say that, the same way a crazy person assures those around them of their sanity?). And knowing you, MSA is the best opportunity you can take right now. You have so much talent, develop it. Do what you deserve. You spend too much time worrying about others, think about your self. Be selfish for once, it may get your further than you think. But let me just say this - you will go far, and you will get what you deserve sometime or another - and when you do, it will be great.
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<3 Taylor
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