Dr. McCoy here again, with some concerns I think need addressing.
I would expect in any environment were so many people are thrown together that there would be consorting of the physical sort. This is perfectly natural, and as a doctor, I might even be tempted to say healthy. Far be it for me to dictate what consenting adults wish to do with their free time.
However, in light of some recent issues I’ve noticed, and as a doctor with a responsibility for keeping people happy and healthy, I would like to offer a few items for your consideration:
1: No means no. I should certainly hope the cuffs take care of anyone who resorts to violence, but pressure and coercion are also forms of assault, and should not be tolerated. If it doesn’t feel right to you, don’t do it.
2: Safety first! Now where I’m from you only find condoms in weird museums. But they’re better than nothing and they are provided for free in every room--you don’t even have to requisition them. Use them. Always. They help prevent disease, and they help prevent pregnancy. Neither one of those things is desirable in a place like this.
3: Cleanliness. Speaks for itself. Wash. Everything. Before and after.
4: Be considerate. Now I understand that we can be creatures of impulse and instinct, and these things happen, and I understand that it can’t always be helped, but when you can help it, please attempt to do so. This means keeping your private business out of the common areas, off the communicators and especially away from the eyes of the youngsters that are here.
5: And let us please consider the youngsters. Maybe it’s too much in a place like this to ask to spare their innocence, but at the same time, they don’t need to be exposed to what they don’t yet understand. This leads to misconceptions and false beliefs that can be harmful you a young person’s healthy development (feminine hygiene as a bureaucratic conspiracy springs to mind). Those who are asked should answer truthfully and carefully.
And youngsters, if you have questions, ask someone you trust.
Once again, thank you for your time.