Hey guys, we just recently moved in to our new house. I really love it, coz the house is so big and Ive got my own little vanity area in our bedroom! Here what it looks like....
And this is me. Gotta love those vintage tops. Lol
And last but not least our new house!!!!!
Of course it is ALWAYS this neat and I didn't just clean it up for the photo =P
Our boring bedroom.
My son's bedroom
His own lil tv, vcr and dvd player. I need to buy a good table for his tv. I hate that table! It looks ugly. Lol
Our computer room.
This is where I put all my documents and craft stuff. Yes, I love crafting!
Our family room. Those ugly curtains needs to go. I need to buy a new ones.
Forgot to turn on the flash. Oops!
My kitchen needs a make over. I hate it!
And last but not least our meal area
Oh by the way, those paiintings you see on the wall. They're all my fiance's artwork. Thanks for looking!