♣ Application ♣

Apr 13, 2009 20:02

Character Name: Kira Sakuya
Fandom: Angel Sanctuary

Age: Thousands; but he's in the body of an 18-year-old
Species: Demon
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Physical Appearance: 1, 2, 3, My kingdom for a colored picture of him.

Kira is tall, standing 6'1". He has black hair and brown eyes, and a surprisingly expressive face for someone as reserved as he tends to be. His hair is long-ish for a guy, almost but not quite shoulder-length, and he usually wears it tied back in a ponytail, although sometimes he just wears it down. Although his face tends to wear either a smirk or a neutral expression, he does have moments where his face is unmistakably something else: a depressed look, a quiet thoughtfulness, a rare tenderness, although his expression is sometimes render unreadable simply because all the conflicting emotions bubbling within him make it difficult to read what he's thinking or feeling. His dress sense is generally casual and intended to be 'cool' and otherwise pretty much what you'd expect of a teenage delinquent, although he has been seen in some pretty nice outfits on occasion. Across his chest is a long, noticeable 'blood stain' that never fades. Kira has a strong presence and is charming and charismatic in many ways, although some people still find him obnoxious. He's very handsome, perhaps even 'pretty' in some respects. He arrives on the island wearing jeans, a slightly ripped tank top, bandages he no longer needs, a jacket and black boots. He also wears a large crucifix around his neck.

Personality and Traits: Kira sometimes projects a mysterious air, mostly because for him, a lot of his human life is an act, although it's one he enjoys and has found some sort of happiness in. Although he has a lot of pain, he tends to hide it, preferring instead to behave in a silly, flirty, obnoxious manner. When he feels like someone is getting too close to him, or he to them, he will often try to push them away, because he feels his life is an act and he doesn't truly belong to the human world, and that he's bad for those around him. Despite this, he can be outgoing and seems to enjoying playing with people, as long as 'playing' doesn't mean 'getting too close'. He likes to flirt, but his heart is already doomed to be Alexiel's, and he could never truly feel the way he feels for her about anyone else.

And at the same time, Kira is frequently rather reserved and not prone to dramatic displays of emotion. He's rather laidback, almost mellow, except when Setsuna is in life-threatening danger (or when the subject of Lucifer's brother, Michael) comes up, when he suddenly springs into a fiercely protective mode or, if he is unable to do something about it or feels responsible, shuts down completely, seeming to go blank and obsessive for a period of time until he feels the situation to be sufficiently rectified. He can be quite depressive at times, as well, as evidenced by a kind of listlessness that takes over him when he does -- although he doesn't give up even in those moments, it's worth noting. He's willing to sacrifice himself for Setsuna, to the point of being willing to die in order to save Setsuna's life or go to jail in the other boy's stead, and he seems to have developed some kind of emotional tie to other people as well, most noticeably Katou, Sara, his father and Kurai. Although he would be disinclined to ever admit as much, Kira would probably feel intense guilt were serious harm ever to befall someone he cared for when he felt he could have prevented it or helped them somehow. Despite this, he seems to have little qualms about berating people he cares for if he thinks they're being stupid, and is not prone to mushy displays of affection most of the time.

Kira is intelligent and likes to read (another possible side effect of his deal with the dying Sakuya -- one of Sakuya's other wishes was to become very smart and read a lot of books), and seems to have some degree of charisma and leadership skills as well, as people are prone to follow him when he feels inclined to take charge -- although he makes a good follower, as well, and he's just as likely to fall back into the background until he feels it's an appropriate time to make his presence or his wishes known. He's observant tends to be good at "getting" people when it comes to certain things (a talent which he applies toward annoying them) and yet doesn't seem to understand certain basic human emotions -- like love, especially. He doesn't understand his feelings for Setsuna and why they affect him the way they do, or why he suddenly has trouble killing in certain situations when before he could kill without remorse or regard for anyone but himself. Nor does he understand why his father cannot abandon him no matter how cruel or cold he behaves towards the man. He describes himself as "a monster," feeling as though that's what he is and should be, and then for anyone to get close to him would be bad for them. But staying in a human body for so long has affected him, as he and Sakuya meld together and become one. Really, Kira is a combination of three people -- Sakuya Kira, the human; Nanatsusaya, the demon sword; and Lucifer, the fallen angel. Their personalities and experiences combine to make Kira the person that he is.

Kira can be cruel and seems to feel no remorse for the deaths caused by Nanatsusaya when wielded by Alexiel. He is still capable of killing someone if he feels it necessary and will often reprimand his friends as "idiots" if he feels that's what they're being. Although not everything he says is a lie, he's willing to lie to push people away and it would be wise not to take everything he says at face value. Most of what he says seems to be a combination of truths and lies, and he'll twist the reality of a situation to make it sound different than it is.

However, he can also be very kind, and is ultimately more likely to help somebody than hurt them... but he doesn't like to get a reputation for being helpful or kind, or to cause someone to begin feeling close to him because of it, so he's always sure to balance any kind behavior with pranks or general deviousness, as a way to keep people from catching on. Ultimately, his entire existence as Nanatsusaya has revolved around finding Alexiel's reincarnations, and he has spent much of his time and energy (both emotional and physical) devoting himself to that end. He is intensely obsessed with her.

Canon Background: Originally, he was Lucifel, the best and brightest of God's angels, created alongside his twin brother Michael. Although Michael worshipped Lucifer, Lucifer was always cold towards Michael, and for that matter, everybody else, seeming to care for little besides himself. A prophecy stated that, between Lucifel and his brother Michael, one would be the angel of Light and the other would fall and be the angel of darkness, and of course Lucifel was destined to fall and become Lucifer. When that happened, he struck out against the Organic Angel Alexiel, who lived in the garden of Eden; unaware that she was oppressed by God as well, and that Eden was far more a prison than anything else, he felt that raping her would be an appropriate way to get the revenge he craved. She stopped him, however, and subdued him. It was then that Lucifer fell in love with Alexiel, and although he flew away, he called her "his woman" and vowed to return for her.

That was not to be, however, as Lucifer was sealed the sword Nanatsusaya and hidden away in a cave. When that happened, all his memories of ever being Lucifer were taken from him, and he didn't know who he as. Alexiel, who knew the truth about the Nanatsusaya's origins, stole him from the cave, saying that she knew his real identity and would tell him who he was when the war -- that is, Alexiel's Holy War against God -- was over. Since astral swords in AS are sentient and have a say in who their master is, anyone else who had previously tried to wield Nanatsusaya went insane, as Nanatsusaya was extremely powerful and bloodthirtsy and would not yeild to them. With Alexiel's promise, however, Nanatsusaya took her for his master, and only she was able to wield it. Between the two of them, they caused thousands of deaths, and the more blood the Nanatsusaya had, the more it craved. It was also during this time that the Nanatsusaya expressed its deepest wish -- to stroke Alexiel's hair. (Alexiel's hair seems to become a running thing with Kira, symbolic of his conflicted relationship with Alexiel herself; at different times he says both that it is beautiful and that he would like to touch it, and that it is inappropriate for a warrior and that he would like to cut it off.)

Alexiel's war failed, and she was to be punished and sentenced by God to painful reincarnation after painful reincarnation, and to suffer an early death in each one. Nanatsusaya's spirit separated from his sword body and followed her in life after life, each time possessing a new body, attempting to guard her from the early death that was her fate -- as much as Nanatsusaya claimed to "hate" Alexiel for her manipulations, Nanatsusaya felt a deep attachment to the woman, and in fact the goal of finding and protecting her was all of Nanatsusaya's identities, though he was never able to get close to her in any of the various reincarnations for long.

Once, Nanatsusaya inhabited the body of a dying samurai, when Alexiel was reincarnated as his prostitute lover. Because their affair had been found out, the prostitute had been sentenced to death. In the samurai's body, however, Nanatsusaya found her, where she had been sentenced to starve to death, and in accordance with her wishes, killed her mercifully after they made love one final time. When the prostitute was dead, Nanatsusaya was overcome with an emotion that until then had been unrecognizable -- grief. Because he was unaccustomed to such emotions, Nanatsusaya experienced the sadness as rage, and killed everyone involved in the prostitute's death. However, this was a turning point for Nanatsusaya, as it was the first time he had experienced sadness in that way. It was also the first time he was able to speak to and have an extended conversation with one of Alexiel's reincarnations. It was also around this time that the astral sword Shiranui came to him, choosing him as its master.

That was nothing compared to the way that he would be effected by Setsuna Mudou, Alexiel's most recent reincarnation, a teenage boy who desires his sister. The spirit of Nanatsusaya approached a seven-year-old boy named Sakuya Kira, who was dying after having been involved in a car accident. The two struck up a deal: Nanatsusaya would try to make Sakuya Kira's father hate him, so that when Nanatsusaya no longer needed the body and Sakuya died a second time, his father would not mourn. In return, Nanatsusaya was allowed to use Sakuya's body to search for Alexiel's reincarnation, the way he had with so many bodies before. During this time, the human boy Sakuya 'slept' inside Kira, coming out occasionally to talk to Kira (and only Kira could see/communicate with him), although Sakuya will likely remain dormant on the island along with the rest of Kira's powers.

However, Kira ended up spending eleven years in Sakuya's body, longer than he had spent in any human body before. He also was able to become close with Setsuna Mudou, Alexiel's current reincarnation, for the first time. They met in middle school, when Kira rescued Setsuna from bullies who wanted to cut off his distinctive blond hair. From then on, they were close, with Kira acting as Setsuna's guardian and the buffer against the curse that had haunted all of her earlier incarnations. Although Setsuna's life was still one frought with sadness and pain, Kira's protection (along with the unwitting protection of Setsuna's beloved sister Sara) helped shield him against an early death. As a result, Kira began to form an emotional connection to Setsuna, not just as Alexiel's reincarnation, but to Setsuna, the boy himself, who was so open and so different from Alexiel that Kira found himself slowly changing due to Setsuna's influence. It helped also that, no matter how awful Kira was to his father in attempt to make good on his promise to make the man hate him, the man never wavered in his support of the boy he believed was his son. Although he does not understand these things, he's affected by them deeply, whether he wants to admit it or not.

Because of this, Kira began to truly experience life as a human -- and although it was always an act for him, he still found himself enjoying the act and having fun with it, and getting more and more sucked into the human world as time went by. He considers it his duty to protect Setsuna at any cost, so that one of Alexiel's reincarnations will not die young and in pain, and would make any sacrifice for Setsuna's sake.

This is all backstory, though; the real story begins with Alexiel in Setsuna's body is forced to kill Katou, a schoolmate of Setsuna's and member of Kira's gang, who is being possessed by Rosiel. Kira goes to jail in Setsuna's place, allowing Setsuna to run away with Sara, while the two find a short-lived happiness together as a couple. Setsuna forgets about Kira for the time, but is haunted by the memories. Sara gets killed throwing herself in front of an attack by one of Rosiel's mininons, and it is then that Alexiel's powers are fully awakened within Setsuna. The world is nearly destroyed and Kira nearly dies, however, when Adam Kadamon brings everything back to how it was before Setsuna destroyed the world and pauses time so that Setsuna can go into the underworld to find Sara. Or at least, it starts out the way. What Setsuna -- and Kira, and Katou, and many others -- actually ends up doing is trying to save the world from destruction by the Giant Evil Babies of Doom.

Kira is taken from around mid-manga, while he's in Hell and Setsuna is in Alexiel's body, after he's been wounded but before the Mad Hatter heals him. (His wounds will be automatically healed upon arrival, though.)

Strengths/Abilities: Kira is so good at his style of fighting with a katana as to be nearly unsurpassed. He also has insta-healing skillz (his body heals any damage it gets) although the more damage it takes, the slower it heals, to the point that eventually it will stop healing and he will die. He's also immune to mind control, although that's not really relevant without mind controllers around at InGen, and probably also mind reading as well. He's strong and quick, with fast reflexes. He's also very intelligent, both in the sense of thinking quickly on his feet and in the sense of being rather knowledgable about a lot of different subjects, although his main knowledge seems to be related more to heaven/hell issues than to dinosaurs. He has a sense of humor that seems to alternate between wry comments and obnoxious pranks, and he's generally friendly and receptive to most people, although that doesn't necessarily translate to nicey-nice, since he loves to tease. He tends to be perceptive and alert, and good at grasping other people's weak points. He's also confident in his abilities while being aware that he's not invincible.

Weaknesses/Faults: Kira's healing ability, although not relevant at InGen anyway, doesn't just keep working and working forever and ever. The more he uses it, the less it works, and eventually it will just stop working altogether and he'll die. Also, Kira is OBSESSED with Alexiel (and Setsuna by extension), and given that he's already taken from a pretty mopey point in his canon, he'll probably be even more mopey without Setsuna around. He has a tendency toward self-sacrifice, which on the island of the dinos is probably a good way to get eaten. Although he's friendly, he doesn't easily form close relationships, which can be a detriment; not only that, but he has a tendency to push people away if he feels he's getting too close to them, causing them and him a lot of turmoil. His teasing can get on people's nerves, as well, and make them not like him/not want to deal with him. Also, he tends to come across as insensitive to others' day-to-day personal troubles as times, even when, in his own way, he's actually trying to help. Because of his lack of familiarity with normal human emotion, his perceptiveness doesn't always do him any good, as he sometimes notices thing but doesn't understand how to properly interpret them. Like any character in a Kaori Yuki manga worth its salt, he has some Serious Issues due to the events of his past.

Items Brought With Them: Cigarettes, a lighter, Shiranui (his astral sword, now simply a regular katana), a few smoke bombs (maybe three or four), reading glasses.

!ooc: application

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