i woke up at like 9:30 this morning. Weee! I hadn't been up that early for a while. But I was pooped after the Hood's show last night. It was fun though. I'm beginning to xseizure dancex again. lol. Tyler knows what I'm talking about. haha. But anyways.
Recapping today's events:
Woke up early.
Went job hunting in Desoto, Cedar Hill, and Grand Prairie.
Painted the stupid awning that I built the other day. Yeah, that took alot of arm stretching. I fell off the ladder and broke my ankle and had 17 stitches in my foot because the chainsaw happened to be right under me. hahaha. Damn, that would suck if it really did happen. But I did fall off the ladder. It was wet with paint and I slipped off the first step. LOL! I dropped the can of paint and had to hose down the patio really fast. But I got that shit done. That's all that counts. Woo. Yet I didn't get paid for building it, or painting it. I don't care, I got a work out.
Found 4 highly possible jobs with low pay and crappy hours:
1 at Kohl's. That would be awesome because I like clothes.
1 at Blockbuster. That would be great because I like movies and video games. I find myself watching more and more movies everyday though. :\ hmm....
1 at Outback Steakhouse. I may have an interview tommorrow. That would be awesome because I'd work with my Justina and we could bus tables together. Woo!
and 1 at The Cinemark Movies 14 in Lancaster. ::shudder:: I wouldn't mind working there because I know everyone there. But ugh... For some reason, it seems like it wouldn't be fun at all. But it's a job and it pays alright.
I came home and had the nastiest dinner ever. Someone made quesadilla's and chilimac(wtf?) and I tried to eat it. ::gag:: the quesadillas weren't that bad but they were still nasty. But I ate it.
Oh! And the stupid construction around my house making me angry. I had to park in the doctors office next to my house and jump a fence(which I later took down) to just get to my house. grrrrrrr.... Their being mean to me too. I told them that my little hunka junk couldn't make it down that drop. That thing was like a foot high and they were telling me to just drive off of it. "It's not high at all," the guy said. "FUCK YOU!" I thought in my head. He walked up to my window, "You can make it, man." "I drive a Honda," I replied in a low tone. "Oh, well, we'll build some dirt ramps for you. Just park at the doctors office again and we'll fix this mess for you." He became really nice after that. The foreman came to our house and apologized for it. But the city is making him do it. And its a job so he has to take it. I don't see the need for a right turn only lane on my road. How dumb. Ok, I'm done complaining.
EVERYONE! Have a good night!