Eko-back: it doesn't matter if you are starving.. don't steal. And if you do, you must confess. Apparently. Kait: "such a big boy" CONFESS!! And then he kills everyone?
Sayid: "Eko can you hear me?" Nope. Hurley: "Stay alive, dude. Okay?"
Aww his little brother is so cute.
OMG! He wakes up for his not-really-there brother. Not-there-Yemi: "It's time to confess. To be judged."
OMGWTFFIRE!! "Do I smell smoke?"
And now Eko has disappeared. Good job babysitting the guy who wasn't even awake a minute ago.
Commercials: Clive Owen would be a better Bond. Just sayin.
Now they want Jack to change clothes. I guess the Others ladies need a show just like the Other men like to see Kate in a dress.
Jack is trying to play mind games with Benry. Kaitlyn: "It's a Cult shirt" omg and she's right. Oh.. or a funeral. Aww. "They let you out?" Jack: "And they gave me a new shirt." Kaitlyn: "Aren't you supposed to wear black to a funeral?" That's a pretty strange funeral.
Desmond!! Desmond: "Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?" They sent their best men to find Eko. Hurley: "No luck dudes." "Not that we'd know what a trail looks like..."
Ekoback: Eko doesn't thank the driver for his ride back. He sees a cross and a bible. And a picture of him and his brother as little boys. AWWWW. Kids are looking for Father Yemi. No more Yemi. Eko is taking his place though. Yumi was going to London? Now Eko will.
OMG smoke monster! Is that how he will be judged? And a new jesus stick! Hooray. OMG! SO TRIPPY! Creepy little boy: "Shh, confess." Us: "Shit, son!"
They're heading to the Pearl. Locke: "If you'd like to join us, it's a free island." And Locke isn't Jack, good to know. Newbies get to go. NewbieGuy is sort of hot. I love you Desmond! They're killing two birds with one stone. Locke: "Don't mistake coincidence for fate."
Ekoback: Eko is washing away his sins with some holy water. He is not Father Yemi.. also good to know. Bad people are looking for Yemi. They keep vaccine for protection, but Eko's not afraid. Um, maybe you can take him because you could take anyone, but that girl just died.
Eko hurts. Kait: "So germ infested." Did Locke scare off the monster?
Commercial: Kait: "Why are Eko and Locke are the only ones who have seen the monster?" Me: "Because they're the greatest?" Maybe you should have uglier friends. Haha!
What did Muffin make Jack? Grilled cheese? I was half right, cheese burger. I heart Muffin. Benry is jealous. Benry: "And I'm thrilled that you're fine, Jack" "We had such a wonderful plan to break you." Juliet looks like Julie Bowen, yep. Also, of course Jack is going to save Benry. Benry: "Two days after I found out (I had a tumor on my spine?), a spinal surgeon feel out of the sky. If that's not proof of God, I don't know what is."
Locke best not speak Yemi's name. Locke: "What are you afraid of?"
Ekoback: Eko asks his love interest about the bad guys. We are betting that she's going to get killed. Eko is selling the vaccine and leaving the country? Noooo!
The Newbies are expositioning. How in the world do they know that anyway? Locke saw the monster as a very bright, beautiful light. Eko sees it as dark and smokey. Interesting. Also, Eko's brother's body is gone. Just like Jack's dad's body. And then Kaitlyn and I had a discussion on if they can burn bones and I want to look up cremation but my internet isn't working at this moment.
Commericals: Daily Show is HERE!!!!! By the way.
Locke is on Kaitlyn's side that the body could've burned. I'm with you Eko! Locke found the necklace. Eko looks up.
Ekoback: Bad guys: "Hello, Father." You don't know Eko either. I was just about to say good luck with cutting off his hands when Eko went BAM! Then he said my "You don't know who I am either". Go me.
Hatch: Newbie Girl is useful! Good job! ProjectS.. more than one. You go, girl. Newbie Guy/Mini Saywer... not so useful. HOLY CRAP!!!! OMGWTF EYE PATCH MAN!!!! "I guess he'll be expecting us." Look at the other tv, please!
Muffin is sorry. "Ben is a liar. And very dangerous." Duh. Kill him and make it look like an accident. No pressure or anything. Evil Muffin? Duuuuude. What to dooooo?
Commercial: I NEED to see Stranger Than Fiction! Amd Running With Scissors. WTF, why have I not seen that yet? I was counting down the days. Damn you, Halloween parties. Ellen gets charged for each sock. Salma Hayek! I love you Samla!
Ekoback: Is Eko a bad man? Of course not. Aww, Eko's run as a priest didn't last long. And that's why Eko needed to build a church.
Yemi! Follow him? At least he's not floating like Jack's dad. Cool tree. Flowers? And Yemi. "Are you ready, Eko?" "Yes, I am ready, Yemi." "I did not ask for the life that was given to me but it was given, nonetheless, and with it, I did my best." Damn straight. "You speak to me as if I am your brother." And they kill one of their best characters. Good job, Lost. If they're trying to say that what he said was wrong then I we be so upset. OMGGRR.
"He said, 'we're next'" Season finale. What?