A couple I have been considering a couple for several weeks finally came out of the closet sort of (not that they are gay or anything). I joked about it but afterwards I felt a little tinge of regret for teasing them. She and I have “a strange dynamic” (her words). I agree. They act so uncomfortable around me. At least that is the way it seems. I wish only the happiest of times for the both of them both.
I wanted to get drunk and rowdy Saturday to blow off some tension but it was not the time.
Interesting date this afternoon.
Sweet woman, got the whole, "I want to take it slow etc." and "I have recently broken up with someone that broke my heart" routine. I succeeded in not laughing when she said it. I wonder if she would have said that if she knew how many times I have heard this before.
Got the usual question about why I haven’t gotten married before. (A: Haven’t found someone I would marry…) How many girl friends have a I had (side stepped this one, she thought four or five was a lot, I reminded her I was a bit older than she and we went onto something else.)
She is a bit younger than I, I'm certain
she who cannot be mentioned on the internet and
oliviao will give me a hard time about her age.
Dating can be fun, but I have to keep my cynicism in check. At this point I worry about inadvertently running a mental script.
During our late lunch it started snowing. By the time I left to drive the 45 miles back home the roads were covered in a couple of inches of snow and it was coming down hard. An hour drive turned into a two hour drive. I arrived home to find the assholes that live in my building are so incompetent at parking that 5 vehicles took up 8 parking spots. My landlord was blowing the snow. He could see I didn’t have a parking spot but he decided not to do anything about it. Jerk.
I feel bad for those around me these days. My cynicism and pessimism have been running rampant.
My mothers impending end is starting to weigh on me.
I so much just want to walk away, find a beach and a bottle for a few weeks but I would end up getting bored…
Please continue this ramble on your own…