*sigh* I'm sorry your day was miserable. I didn't mean for you to be all upset on the phone either, and I hope being that I was the only phone call that it made you even more upset. That's no way to have a birthday. I'm sending out cards and the package soon. Sadly, now, after Ohio. --;; It'll be late but I have to get it out to you. I proimse.
When you come up for the summer we're so gonna have a party for you. ^^ It'll be late but I can TRY to bake a cake. <3 It'll be tiny since Katy will probably be the only one there. xD" But I hope it means something. I have to make you feel better.
There is no reason you should be miserable on your birthday --;
It was a sad birthday but I keep forgetting how the last one was the same,and the one before that o_o; it's just like halloween,I expect and hope it'l get better the next year
Just... no. I think that she should have still gone out with you on your birthday, regardless of if she had money or not. You don't need money to have a good time, spending time with your friends is better than buying any goodie.
Your family should have at least bought you a cake, jeez... It's not that hard. Or some small present, or SOMETHING. *Growls*...
*Clings* Happy birthday, Marta. (Fear my usage of your name) I haven't gotten a package together yet, but I'm working on something for you right now. *Grin*
Yeah,she seems free nowadays but I usually have to call and ask if she doesnt have to go out with family or some doctors appointment to just hang out :\ *Pets* Cute growl x3 Thankyou,Mandra <3
Comments 10
When you come up for the summer we're so gonna have a party for you. ^^ It'll be late but I can TRY to bake a cake. <3 It'll be tiny since Katy will probably be the only one there. xD" But I hope it means something. I have to make you feel better.
There is no reason you should be miserable on your birthday --;
Just... no. I think that she should have still gone out with you on your birthday, regardless of if she had money or not. You don't need money to have a good time, spending time with your friends is better than buying any goodie.
Your family should have at least bought you a cake, jeez... It's not that hard. Or some small present, or SOMETHING.
*Clings* Happy birthday, Marta. (Fear my usage of your name) I haven't gotten a package together yet, but I'm working on something for you right now. *Grin*
Toki hearts you~<3
*Pets* Cute growl x3
Thankyou,Mandra <3
Well thats sucks, but whats different is now you can have a somewhat good birthday here.
Happy Birthday!
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