today was awesome.
wake up and go to school
that's the golden rule
she'd never miss a day
"you'll go places" they'd say
& she'd always do her best
get an A on every test.
she dreamed of how she'd be
when she grew to be seventeen...
junior high was a time
of drama but it was sublime
how heavenly the straight A's
and even B's still brought praise
"you'll go places" they'd say
and she'd mumble "someday..."
but her GPA declined,
so much else cluttered her mind...
"who am i? she'd ask
daydreaming during class
sometimes her smile just faded
unhappy with the situation she created
it was then she found herself
somewhere hidden on a shelf
then the hardships grew like weeds
but someone calmed the raging seas...
now i am seventeen,
not glamorous or homecoming queen...
she thought of all the mistakes
the brokenness and heartaches
in her heart there was this fire
determination of burning desire
but it was smothered by doubt
she'd give up, she'd do without.
[ to be continued. ]