Midnight: Very, very large buckets of awesome and also FOOKIN TERRIFYING that was. In fact I think the weeping angels have just been pwned.
RARELY does any TV show ever successfully pull off suspense of this magnitude. (In part, for me, because my telly heroes create a sort of protective barrier between me and the Scary--as long as they're around, nothing can be that bad. OR SO I THOUGHT.) So yeah, bravo Russell.
The Confidental discussion about how the absence of a companion = no one to defend/protect/save the Doctor was really interesting, because I hadn't actually thought about it like that yet--how the situation may have been different if, say, Donna had gone along. (I did imagine Jack killing everyone on board with his bare hands at one point.)
Next week: My hope that there might be no David-lite eps this year officially shot to hell. *chews nails whilst twitching in corner*