Title: Home
Author: Miss Courtadoo
Rating: PG / T
Pairing: Harry/Hermione
Length: Long oneshot - 5616 words
Summary: Hermione returns to the Burrow for a very special occasion. Post Hogwarts.
Warnings: Spoilers through HBP. Character death.
It surprised Hermione, after so many years, the sight of Harry still sent butterflies to her stomach. )
Comments 4
I hate that Ron has to die in order for it to be plausable, but, oh well. You handled the backstory brilliantly and the memorial service was beautiful. The perfect combination of humor and seriousness befitting Ron.
It was so sweet. Just, gah, just perfect. Both of them too afraid to take that step, yet both of them wanting it so much. Perfection! :P
I'm not big on the Harry/Hermione pair, but I really enjoyed this!
I was just wondering how they couldn't see each other when Hermione was in France... I mean... they are living in the magic world. They could floo to each other couldn't they? Or something...
The Seeker for the Chudley Cannons, living out Ron’s dream for him.
That was definitely something Harry would do- a tribute to Ron.
I felt that you could have dealt with Ron's death a little better, and occasionally the characters were OOC, but I really enjoyed this fic. ^_^
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