this is an app

Dec 01, 2010 08:26

Warning: this app is full of spoilers.

Name: Jamie
Personal LJ: sleevetug
Contact Info: aim: marbledoll
Other Characters Played: hangedhourai, illusionkiller and tsunslut
Preferred Housing: 1127 Taylor Road, I only have permission from Ciel-mun and Merem-mun. Requested housing on Monday.

Character Name: Sakura Matou
Character Series: Fate/Stay Night (Post Heaven's Feel)
Character Age: An official age isn't given but with the power of math most people agree that she's sixteen.
Background: Wika Link

Personality: Sakura is a pretty cold and stoic person when the series starts out. She is incredibly gloomy, and for a long time was unable to smile around anyone but Shirou. This is disguised by the fact that Sakura Matou is in love with Shirou, the protagonist and narrator. It's a perfect example of the unreliable narrator; Sakura can only smile around Shirou so the narrator is only able to describe Sakura as a happy and caring person. That isn't a completely false description of Sakura. She still is very sweet, caring, and loving as shown through her interactions with Shirou. Her selfless nature is shown when Sakura goes over to Shirou's house everyday to cook and clean for him. It's not as if Shirou is handicapped; he is able bodied and a better cook than Sakura is. But after Shirou's father died Sakura insisted on coming over to either prepare breakfast and dinner on her own or to help Shirou cook the meals as well as helping with the cleaning and other household chores.

it isn't wrong to say that part of her isn't part of the true Sakura. However it isn't until after the Heaven's Feel route that Sakura is able to make this her complete self. Before she can be completely good, Sakura has a dark side that she had to deal with. Sakura was adopted from the Tohsaka family into the Matou family and suffered abuse from her adoptive family for eleven years. Growing up, she always hoped that her sister would come to save her, but she never did. She grows to hate the people around her and often considers suicide. Her only salvation is Shirou, who she believes is the only person that truly cares about her. But during Heaven's Feel she throws Shirou's love away, convincing herself that she would be better off dead. When she runs to her grandfather to end her life, she ends up killing her brother.

Sakura then turns into Dark Sakura, who, by all means, is Sakura's personality when she is addicted to violence and has finally indulged in the dark side of her personality. However, when she is confronted by her sister, Rin, who admits she always has loved her. I believe that this is the trigger that destroys Sakura's dark side since it was brought on by thinking that no one loved her. Once she realizes that she always had people that loved her (Shirou and Rin) and just failed to notice Sakura is finally able to live a happy life.

After Heaven's Feel Sakura admits that she is regretful of her actions but she knows that living in regret would be like running away. So instead she chooses to live on and face her guilt and torment face on. Eventually, she does find happiness, and she becomes more confident and gains self esteem. At this point Sakura is able to show her caring side (as described above) to everyone instead of just Shirou.

Abilities: This will probably be long, confusing, and not make that much sense. Blame Nasu.

Sakura was born as a mage of the Tohsaka family, but she was adopted into the Matou family. She was born with the element of 'imaginary numbers' which is... really hard to explain. It's all in the magic of Numerology which is as great as the gods. Basically, it is the result of trying to get the square root of a negative number. Since these numbers don't actually exist they'll always equal out to zero. This zero somehow becomes an alternate world where nothing exists. Basically, it's like Sakura's own little pocket dimension where she can maim, absorb, or corrupt things. But as a human it is only effective on beings that aren't based in reality, such as spirits and the heroic servants.

The Matou family magecraft that Sakura was taught is the power to absorb or steal from others. Sakura describes it as a magecraft that can bring no happiness to others. This magecraft is taught not through study, but through crafting the body using worms.

Zoken's worms, admittedly, can also be considered an ability even though they were forced into her. They are disgusting worms that eat away at Sakura's mana supply but increase her carnal impulses. However, after the events of Heaven's Feel, Sakura has purged herself of these worms so she has large mana pools to draw from and is able to become successful as a magus.

The rest of these abilities I never plan on using in Mayfield (or even having them regained for that matter) but I figure it's important to list them anyway.

Sakura, at Zoken's disposal, can also transform into 'The Shadow' which is a premature version of Angra Mainyu (the embodiment of the evils of mankind). In this state Sakura is covered with a Shadow like vail and her identity is hidden. In this form she can teleport, regenerate damage, and restrain/consume human beings. While Sakura is the shadow she has no sense of self. However, once the shadow becomes self aware and rejects Zoken, Sakura is able to turn into Dark Sakura.

Dark Sakura uses the holy grail as a source of mana making her mana supply unlimited. However it is still limited by the number of magic circuits but Sakura has a good amount of those so it is not too much of a deterrent. She is also able to influence humans with her imaginary numbers (as explained above), form tentacles from her body, and unlike before where she could regenerate just a little bit Dark Sakura is able to regenerate to a point where mortal wounds heal within seconds. She is also able to form familiars called Shadow Giants which act on their own but they still act in accordance with Dark Sakura's will.

Sample Entry: type moon dressing room post


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