Title: It's Lonely Out In Space
Author: M. Willoughby (
imaginethetruth )
Fandom: Californication
Pairing: Hank/Mia
Rating/Warnings: PG. Some cussin', some discussion of statutory rape and other things of the non-legal nature. Oh, also, this contains spoilers for season 3.
Summary: Mia comes to visit Hank in jail after the big blow out with Karen. Set post season 3
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Comments 4
Loved the fic, even though it broke my heart a little! Yes, they both fucked up, in a way, but neither of them deserved the messed up situation that came from it. I want to give them both a hug.
That's how I feel too. I really hope they're both able to reconcile with themselves during the fourth season. *smooshes them*
Thank you for commenting! :)
I loved the fic, almost as much as I loved the canon Mia/Hank scene we got this season even.
I simply love how fucked up they both are.
I do want to shove them together and throw Lew in as well, but I just can't really think of any plausible way to do that.
Eeee!!!! THAT SCENE. *dies* it was so good. I loved how sweet Hank was...really melted my heart. And I mean, of course she and Sasha had to try and make a move on him...I just wish he hadn't stopped them, tehehe.
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