this makes me think of where i'm going to live, on 8.5 acres south of denham, and the ecovillage by opelousas, which is a large piece of land, and how those things are directly opposite of the city-growth concept. like i need a swath of land around me to buffer 'other' people with their 'other' ways of life. can living in the city be made alluring to someone like me, who wants to be very alone alot? could i really live in a green-roofed mixed-use tenement building? the hardest thing is being myself in the midst of a culture very unlike myself, and i could not see myself living that on the edge of my apartment balcony. making the litterbugs recycle, stopping the tractor crews from mowing the wildflowers until seeding's over, catching rainwater off the roof of the blockbuster next door. turning the urban landscape into a place i could enjoy, i cannot see me doing that. i'd rather run away to my rural sty. and that's such a shame.
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