So my day was pretty good, until I had a little run in with one my students parent's. Every night, as part of their homework, my kids are expected to read (but since they are in Kindergarten and can't read yet they are expected to listen to a story or read with someone) every night. It's called Nightly Reading and it's supposed to be logged down in their agendas (these little day planner things used for correspondence, sending homework, etc.) for me to see and note down in my grade book. Well, my EA checks agendas for homework and NR every night. If someone is not doing either, she will make a note like "Where is the Nightly Reading???" or whatever. Well, one of my kids Rafael, has done NR twice since school started. We have written notes in his agenda with no response. His homework is also very sporatic. So yesterday I tell his older sister to make sure he works on three things at home: Nightly reading, writing and recognizing his name, and learning to tie his shoes. She acted like she wasn't paying any attention to me because whenever she or any other family member pick up Rafael, they love and kiss on him like nobody's business. (He is rather cute.) But when it comes to reading, homework, snack, or anything that has to do with school, these people disappear. So anyway, today I thought I would just attach a reminder note to Rafael. I took a strip of construction paper, wrote "don't forget to do nightly reading every night!!" stapled the ends so it made a bracelet and put on Rafael's arm. Well his sister ripped it off as soon as she saw it, and I said "Oh, Rafael only your mom can take that off because she has to see it remember?" The sister starts giving me this attitude "Rafael has been doing nightly reading since you told me on Monday" which was only yesterday. So she leaves after a little encounter, then minutes later I see his mom. She says "did you staple a paper to Rafael's arm that said to do nightly reading?" I didn't staple TO his arm obviously, but yes I did put it around his arm. She told me not to ever do that again and if I have something to tell her then to write it in his agenda. I said "Oh, you look in there?" So we had a little argument about how Rafael needs to be doing these things and blah blah blah... So now I'm annoyed.
What's more annoying is I've been annoyed at my idiot neighbors since last week. Last monday I had the day off for fall break. I was sitting here doing my homework pretty much the whole day and I could hear the neighbor dogs barking throughout the day, so I figured they were left outside for the day. Then it started to hail. I bundled up, went in the backyard and peeked over the wall only to find those poor dogs out in the hail storm with no shelter, food or water. So I called the city animal department and filed a complaint. He said an animal officer would be her that day or the next to check things out. Yesterday I come home and see one of the dogs loose in their driveway. I knew the retards left them out all day again (probably with no food or water yet again) so I tried to coax him into his backyard. He left and went roaming the cul-de-sac so I gave up and called the city department again only to find that the case from when I called last week and not even been looked at yet. So later on in the evening, Robert and I were leaving to go to his softball game, and we walk out to the car and our neighbor is home. Robert says "You know your dog is loose right?" The guy says "oh yeah, I saw him. I guess he broke the fence and jumped over it." STUPID!! Of course he broke the ghetto-ass fence you put there, it's nothing more than chicken wire and this is a big, strong pit-bull type dog. But the guy was all nonchalant about it, talking on his cell phone about a concert. Not concerned at all that for all he knew his dog was getting hit by passing cars. Some people should not have pets.