well. it started on monday. we were hangin in civic park then decided we wanted to go to the avril lavigne concert. (because it was only two 20's)
so we bought tickets. and decided to make it even funner we would dress up and act like jerks.
some made their own shirts. (PS I was wearing stockings first. just so you know)
the twins are cute.
georgie had the best shirt
but claire officially won best dressed.
best friends 4 eva
dedicated to sarah - she really wanted to go to avril. but is infact in europe. so we did our sarah poses... cos thats the best we could do.
(This is where we went to avril. possibly the best night of my life. )
walking around saying WHAT to people who looked at us funny,
dying over the hot lead singer for the supporting act,
singing as loudly as possible to avril\,
getting cheap cds off the supporting act (TownHallSteps - really good),
getting KISSED ON THE CHEEK AND HUGGED by the hot lead singer,
skanking to the car, skanking around the service station,
then coming home and partying on in my shed.
yeah we can SKATE and shit. i was on a scooter. WHILE LISTENING TO SIMPLE PLAN. too awesome.
some sort of race? (still scootering)
then we played scattegories. things got competitive. claire cheated. me and schmoan lost hardcore cos one time we thought they said the letter was E when it was infact P.
seriously. funnest night OF MY LIFE