It has been some time since I've given you a solid update. So, I've decided to come back more helpful as ever, and tell you how to make a successful, psuedo-japanese anime that will appeal to all those annoying, "bishi"-saying jap-o-philes.
Making a Successful Anime!
Step One: Character Creation
The Main Hero: The main hero will be male. The only time the main hero should be female is if you're trying to get a strong hentai backing, you fucking pervert. And even then, most japophile girls are into yaoi, so it's moot.
The main hero should only have one of two personalities. In the end, however, it doesn't matter, as you'll end up using both, anyway. Personality one is the bumbling, psuedo-hero. Personality two is the super-serious megawarrior without a cause. As stated previously, pick either one, as the other will just be used on the side-kick.
Sidekick 1: Male. Whatever personality you didn't use on the hero, use here.
Sidekick 2: Female. "Tough as nails" bitch who doesn't take shit. Occasionally a bumbling idiot in small doses.
Love interest: Female. She should have absolutely no personality whatsoever, and speak in a shy, quiet tone the entire time. Somehow, the audience will interpret her as romantic by her vapid, uninteresting personality. She must also be incredibly stupid, because as all Japanese know, women who are intelligent do not make good lovers.
Main Villain: Super serious. Always. And make sure he has silver hair. He'll only be seen twice throughout the entire series, three counting the last battle, and all three times should demonstrate how much of a "badass" he can be. He's probably going to be the yaoi-girl sell, so make sure he's pretty. WOMAN pretty. He'll also have some idiot side-kick with a super-high voice, despite being male.
Step Two: The Story
Setting: You have only two choices. Feudal Japan, or space. If it's feudal Japan, protagonist should always live with his grandfather, to dispense fortune-cookie nonsense and mythical cure-all herbs.
Quest: Your heroes should always be going after some kind of object. This is done so that they can constantly lose that object, and have to look for it again. This way, you can renew your contract for more episodes. However, if they ever do find this object, make another one for them to find... use the same name, just tag "Neo" or "Super" on the front of the name. (Example: They find the Crystal of Magic. Now the enemy finds a new Super Crystal of Magic. Heroes must find it.)
However, there is a secondary option that is popular because anime fans are idiots. Make an extremely strong villain, have the hero hunt him down, training and growing stronger on lesser villains. Have hero defeat villain. Have another, strong villain arise, have hero go after him, training on lesser villains. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Ending: There shouldn't be an ending. When you get bored of the idea, just quit making episodes halfway through a vital plot point.
Follow all of these steps, and you'll have an anime that'll make even the least hardcore American/Wannabe Japanese drooling over your merchandise, which they'll buy once they can get their mom's credit card after she goes to bed.