so newayzz...i rote the biggest thingy in my blog..and i cant believe u repsonded so dam fast lmao.. hahah "IT ALLLL STARTED ONTHE MILLENIUM" haha omgg he was soo cute and here's that funny story i mentioned in it..wen i went on the wildcat u take a turn past the crowd wen it first starts..and this kid..FAT ..bout 12 waved and wa slike hiii im like omg im getting hit on my a 12 year old chubby then we were lving and my mom and devil recenarnted exorcist sister rat pig not smart idoty face sister went to the bath room and my dad went ot by me fries ;P so he was like o ok wait on this bench dont lv so i did and as im waiting a group of like 4 guys bout 16 17 my age walk by and go COUGHHH ut hotttt COUGHH like they acually coughed lmfao i was like omfgg soo shy and embaressed lool haha comment 5
kelz ur fav. lozaaa
August 19 2005, 03:24:41 UTC
i am soo tired and bored omfgg lol....hey one time u have to tell me wat song u want me to play and i'll learn it for u and play it on the guitar :P :) comment 8
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tyler hilton is hot
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