The Color-Meme Thingy...

Mar 19, 2010 16:23

Asked for a color from rileybear67 and she gave me Orange. Orange? Hmm.... Not quite sure WHY she associates the color with me, but ok... Henceforth things that I like/love that are orange (not in order, and I prolly forgot stuff)

  1. The Natmare: It's Orange. It's a stuffed animal sort of thing that finabair received back in the Forever Knight Days (though I don't recall anymore just WHY) I see it every time I go visit her, which is Far, Far Too Infrequently!!! It's really weird-looking and is wonderful and she is wonderful and it's all AWESOME!

  2. Flowers!!: Specifically the Orange and Purple Daisies (or something that looks a lot like daisies, and smells really good) that I picked up when I stopped by the grocery store last night and stopped to sniff because they smelled so good and bought because they were Orange and Purple and I was thinking about Orange Things because of this Meme! So now they are on my mantle at home, looking and smelling good (and mostly out of the reach of kitties what like to snack on Things What Grow)

  3. Oranges: They taste good. Very good! Especially if they are Honey Bells (which are technically tangerines, I think, which are still Orange so they Count) which are in season for all of about 20-minutes and you have to be in Florida in January to get them but YUM!!! (Regular oranges are also great!) (Hey amilyn, do you remember that weekend 7 years ago when you all came down to help me unpack and we all ate well more than a hundred tiny oranges, all DELICIOUS! (and cheap, as I recall) Wow, that was AWESOME!)

  4. The kitchen counters at our old house: Actually, truth be told, I didn't LIKE the orange counters at our old house, nor did I like the wall-board in the kitchen which was covered with large orange and brown and cream flower-things, but I liked the HOUSE and grew up there (from when I was about 10 until I moved out on my own.) (interesting side-note, ladybrie's house has the exact same orange kitchen counters!)

  5. Medicine Bottles: Which are mostly orange-brown-ish, because I work at a pharmacy and I really like my job!!

  6. Butternut Squash: Because it's tasty and yummy and really was an entry-point for me into trying more Foods That Are Not Meat. Not that I'm not a full-fledged carnivore, but I'm starting to explore a BIT more of my omnivore-side...

  7. Shirts!: Not that I currently HAVE an orange shirt anymore, but there was this one spring day about ... wow, probably 18 or more years ago by now, when I woke up on a GORGEOUS Saturday, went to my closet to dress for the day, and realized that all I owned were dark, drab colors (or blue). I didn't consider anything in that closet to be "suitable" for SPRING!!! So I went shopping! Couldn't find much I liked, actually, but ended up with 3 new shirts, a Bright Orange, a Bright Yellow, and a bright-ish Green. Wheee!

  8. Flowers! (yes, again!): I'm not at home, so I can't snap a photo, but while there are lots of fun real flowers out there which are orange (including the ones on my mantle and up there in #2,) there are also Giant Plushy Flowers which come in all sorts of colors Including Orange! I have a Bunch of them in a huge display in my living room! (yes, there are Looney Labs flowers, including Orange Flowers, in the mix!) (There's even a Plushy Big Orange Butterfly in the bouquet!)

  9. Carrots!: Which I like cooked MANY ways, but specifically when made by kevenn's mom F into her Amazing Carrot Cake Of JOY!!!! OMG this thing is YUMMY!!!! (is trying to remember how long it's been since she had a slice... far, far, far too long!)

  10. My Mom!: Last, but Certainly Not Least, who is NOT orange, but who really LIKES orange lots! And I love her, and thus she deserves a spot on my Orange List!!!
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