Thanks Dayna, that's sweet what you said about Joe. I wish i could finally meet him... ya know. I know whatcha mean about that certain "SOMEBODY" he had no idea what i meant when i told him it was about time he showed up, anyways... Sandra BETTER rip shit on him wednesday. TTYL, thanks again gurlie!
welcome kay! aww thanks! yeah you DO have to meet him! he'll be at the dance thing and cave dwellers. if she doesn't i friggin WILL they are getting me SO angry! they won't even have a dialect which is what she wants..oh well. i'll talk to you later. have fun and be careful! not too much partying!
Yeah well if i dont meet him soon, i wont approve of him dating my lil' sister... lol. Don't worry, i most likely will like him... i mean you should hope i do at least. Well i guess you'll have to point him out to me when we're rockin' our shoes off on the stage. I know whatcha mean about that "SOMEONE" i've been doing all the blocking, he's gonna get up there, and be like "ddduuuuhhhh.....!" and he wont write it down, he's totally brushing it all off like it's dust, we have like was 5weeks left she said!!!! WE'RE NEVER GONNA GET DONE, ttyl BYE BYE!
I didn't know u had a livejournal!! Jeez, inform me of this stuff :P jk I <3 u...add me to your friends list and i'll gladly do the same :) <3 lil T! :D
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<3 lil T! :D
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