i am posting this letter from my boyfriend because things like this don't happen to me and it is the cutest thing in the history of the
The past 3 months have been incredible and it seems like every day I come up with a new reason to love you. So, on this 10-hour drive, I've decided to list those reasons:
I love the way you put your hands on mine when I wrap my arms around you.
I love the look in your eyes when I say something important.
I love how you hold my hand.
I love how soft your lips are.
I love how I am so excited to climb into bed with you every night.
I love how much you love cats (even though dogs are better).
I love how you say no after I suggest a ridiculous idea.
I love how you are always ready to belly laugh and do.
I love that laugh.
I love how I can get home from a long, hard day and completely forget about it when I see you.
I love how pure and innocent you are.
I love how much storms scare you.
I love arguing with you about pronunciation.
I love when you run your hands through my hair.
I love seeing your gorgeous smile.
I love your taste in music.
I love how thinking about you makes me so happy and keeps me feeling amazing throughout the day.
I love that you send letters to your friends instead of email.
I love (LOVE) the way you cuddle up to me in bed when I lay on my back.
I love how loving you has added so much flavor to life.
I love the way nothing else matters when I am with you.
I love the way you are a true romantic at heart, just like me.
I love how saying I love you makes me feel at home.
I love how much you inspire me.
I love how you put your head on my shoulder at night.
I love how you are 100% honest.
I love how you sometimes would rather stay in and watch a movie than drink on a party night.
I love how I feel free to do or say anything around you.
I love Italian sausages.
I love how you say I love you.
I love when you are in a "kissy" mood.
I love how I have nothing to say when my friends and I talk about relationship problems.
I love how slow songs make me think of you, every time.
I love how you always think your hair looks horrible when it always looks perfect.
I love how your skin is the smoothest skin I've ever felt.
I love how happy it makes me to see your name pop up on my phone.
I love how worried you are about pictures.
I love your legs, your face, well, your entire body.
I love how you're a country girl at heart.
I love how your cheek fits perfectly in my hand.
I love what you were like when you were younger.
I love how you look at me and say yea after you prove me wrong.
I love getting cold and warming up with you.
I love walking through the city with you.
I love how you want to walk in the rain, something I've always wanted to do while in love.
I love how your bed is the safest place in the world.
I love that you country dance.
I love how your eye makes noise when you rub it.
I love how much you bite your fingernails, then put the pieces on me.
I love how no matter what happens, I can say "at least I have Caroline" and feel better.
I love how excited I get just talking about you with other people.
I love how incredibly sexy you look in a dress.
I love how incredibly sexy you look in anything.
I love how you cry at movies and TV shows.
I love how your hands feel on me.
I love how self conscious you are, even though you are so beautiful I can't believe it.
I love you, and everything about you.
So, for the remaining 5 hours of this trip, I'll be thinking about you and counting down the minutes until I can see your beautiful face and look into your gorgeous eyes.