i felt it was time for an update

Sep 19, 2004 13:49


+your name: sarah
+ your gender: girl
+ height: 5'6"
+ hair colour: blonde
+ eye colour: blue/grey
+ your location: milwaukieeee or
+ fears: serial killas. mother fucker.

+ peed your pants? ahaha of course
+ fallen off the bed? i think?
+ fallen for a relative? EW WHAT
+ had plastic surgery? nope
+ broke someone`s heart? oh.. well yeah.
+ had your heart broken? yes
+ had a dream come true? maybe?
+ done something you regret? psh yes
+ cheated on a test? hah yeah
+ broken a body part? nope. i've only sprained my pinkie. i am not extreme.

+ wearing - my whitford phys ed shirt, shorts, my glasses...
+ listening to - rednex, cotton eye joe. haha i like it. go away.
+ chewing - absolutely nothing
+ feeling - boredom. stress.
+ reading - the screen
+ located - in my computer room. on a chair with a backpack on it. not that comfortable.
+ chatting with - NO ONE I HAVE NO FRIENDS
+ watching - ..nothing?
+ should REALLY be - cleaning my room

+ brush your teeth? yes
+ like anybody? um. well man. theres this really cute, ultra nice guy that is super great but i don't know if i like him per se. i don't know.
+ have any piercings? ears, bellybutton
+ drive? well. yeah.
+ believe in Santa Claus? man i wish i still did. christmas totally lost it's flavor when i was in like 6th grade.
+ ever get off the computer? yeah

+ who is your best? tara, jess, kelly, mikayla, nat, tarra, kat, ally, elisa, layra, amanda, kristin, goober. seriously, don't ask me to choose.
+ who is the loudest? maybe tarra or kat or nat
+ who is the shyest? elisa..sometimes
+ who laughs the most? haha all of us
+ who have you known the longest? tara
+ who have you known the shortest? goo
+ do you belong to a crew? crew. i hate that word. i prefer squad.
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex? yeah
+ do you consider yourself POPULAR? i guess.. why is popular capitalized?
+ do you trust your friends? yes
+ are you a good friend? yeah i think so
+ can you keep a secret? yes. it's hard, but i can do it.

+ hugged - jessica
+ gave EPROPS - wtf
+ IMed - i think it was tarra
+ talked to on the phone - katarina
+ yelled at ? mm... i dont know
+ tripped - probably lots of people how am i supposed to remember these things

+ What do you want to be when you grow up? - i think maybe an english teacher. but who knows anymore.
+ What was the worst day of your life? - ugh well.. uh. probably the other day. i don't know.
+ What is your most embarrassing story? - alright, there was this one time when i was at the mall and this guy was looking at cards right next to me. he was looking right at me and started talking so i figured he was talking to me, and i tried to have a conversation with him. it worked for a little bit then he looks and me and goes "you know i was talking to him right?" and points to his friend behind me. that was a lot of years ago. it was funny as shit though.
+ What has been the best day of your life? - oh gosh. i can't really think of one. i liked prom a lot.
+ What comes first in your life? - my friends and family
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? hmm.. my ass maybe. just because.
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? my day or something

+ Movie: donnie darko, napoleon dynamite, american history x
+ Song: oh hm. right now? the faint, posed to death.
+ Group: uh maybe the postal service, rilo kiley, the faint, keane?
+ Store: forever 21 has been kind to me lately. shut up you like it.
+ Relative: my uncle howard is so cool, seriously you should see him
+ Sport: soccer
+ Vacation Spot: las vegassss
+ Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate chip!
+ Fruit: nectarines
+ Candy: reese's products
+ Holiday: christmas and halloween
+ Day of the Week: saturday
+ Color: orange/magenta
+ Magazine: seventeen i believe
+ Name for a Girl: emma, amy
+ Name for a Boy: aiden, matt

SECTION 9 [ DO YOU . . .]
+ Like to give hugs? - oh sure
+ Like to walk in the rain? - no i fucking hate rain cha
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? - with
+ Prefer black or blue pens? - whichever. i like both.
+ Dress up on Halloween? - ahha yesss.. i didn't last year though. that was no fun.
+ Have a job? - nooo i want one baddly
+ Like to travel? - yes
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? - side
+ Think you're attractive? - i dont know really
+ Want to marry? - i think so
+ Have a goldfish? - nope
+ Ever have the falling dream? - ahh i had one a long time ago that i remember. it also involved a volcano that sprayed ash in my face. it was so crazy
+ Have stuffed animals? - packed away somewhere around here yes
+ Go on vacation? - yes

+ Abortion: we were actually talking about this the other day. i am pro-choice. stfu schade.
+ Bill Clinton: ok. i really liked this guy. his scandal meant absolutely nothing to me, and i honestly think america needs him again.
+ Eating Disorders: i dont know. i've never dealt with one really..
+ Suicide: i dont understand it. how can you be so selfish to take a life away from yourself, your parents and friends? die when youre old.
+ Summer: is goood
+ Tattoos: eh theyre ok
+ Piercing: sure
+ Make-up: sure
+ Drinking: i dont like it but that's not to say that i care if anyone else does
+ Guys: um
+ Girls: um

+ Pierced nose or tongue? - nose
+ Be serious or funny? - funny
+ Single or taken? - wow. probably taken..
+ Simple or Complicated? - simple
+ Law or anarchy? - law
+ MTV or BET? - mtv
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? - come on. i guess 7th heaven
+ Sugar or salt? - sugar
+ Silver or gold? - silver
+ Tongue or belly button ring? - belly button
+ Chocolate or flowers? - flowers
+ Angels or miracles? - uhm
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? - black and white is more flattering and fun to play with
+ Sunrise or sunset? - sunset
+ M&M's or Skittles? - OH NO. BOTH.
+ Rap or Rock? - both
+ Stay up late or sleep in? - BOTH AGAIN
+ TV or radio? - i dont do much of either. radio i think.
+ Hot or cold? - hot i hate being cold
+ Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter? - taller
+ Sun or moon? - sun
+ Diamond or Ruby? - diamond
+ Left or Right? - right
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend? - one best friend
+ Vanilla or chocolate? - chocnilla?
+ Kids or no kids? - kids
+ Cat or dog? - dog
+ Half-empty or Half-full? - half-full
+ Mustard or ketchup? - ketchup. what happened to catsup. did they get rid of that?
+ Newspaper or Magazine? - magazines
+ Spring or Fall? - fall. ah homecoming.. plegh
+ Give or receive? - equal amount of both
+ Rain or snow? - snow!!!!!!
+ Lace or satin? - satin?
+ A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? - aw. lifetime of friendship
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ Corduroy or plaid? - corduroy yay
+ Wonder or amazement? - amazement
+ sneakers or sandals? - sandals
+ McDonald's or Burger King? - mcdonalds
+ Mexican or Italian food? - mexican
+ Lights on or off? - on
+ Duct tape or scotch tape? - scotch. duct tape is of no use to me.
+ Candy or soda? - candy
+ A house in the woods or the city? - city
+ Pepsi or Coke? - i dont like either. i like c2 sometimes though
+ Nike or ADIDAS? - my running shoes are nike. they win. nike wins.

+ Do you go to church? - no
+ Do you like church? - not really.
+ Why or why not? - dude i'm catholic. besides, i like to have my own beliefs and church bores the shit out of me.
+ What's your favorite kind of tree? - pine?
+ Out of all of your friends, who has the coolest house? - timmy mcnuttttt
+ when you look at a person with lime green tights on, what's the first thing that comes to your head? - haha tights are uncomfortable

1. Nervous Habits? biting my fingernails, rocking back and forth
2. Are you double jointed? no
3. Can you roll your tongue? yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? yes
5. Can you cross your eyes? yes. also i can do this thing where i just cross one and look kind of gross and retarded
6. Tattoos? no
7. Piercings and where? my ears and bellybutton
8. Do you make your bed daily? why would i want to do that

10. Which shoe goes on first? left
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? of course. one time i hit craig in the nuts with one. good times.
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? it depends. i only really get money for holidays and school shopping, so check aroud those times.
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? none. maybe a necklace and a watch sometimes
14. Favorite piece of clothing? dont have one

15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? no dude
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? you asked alreaddddyyy
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? 3: gross stuff for my parents and puffy rice.
19. What's your favorite beverage? orange+tropical fruit gatorade yeah!
20. What's your favorite restaurant? kwang chow, el tapatio
21. Do you cook? no not really. i can cook eggs, pancakes, soup and toast. i am breakfast kind of gal.

22. How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day if possible (i.e. being at a friends house, not me being dirty)
23. Hair drying method? blowdryer
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yes many a time

25. Do you swear? like everday
26. Do you ever spit? not really

27. Animal? penguins
28. Food? lots of stuff
29. Month? i dont.. know
30. Day? DUDE get with it
31. Cartoon? every cartoon on [adult swim] besides all that weird anime stuff
32. Shoe Brand? old navy flip flops or vans slip ons
33. Subject in school? english
34. Color? ok no
35. Sport? soccer
36. TV show? see 31. + real world, reno 911
37. Thing to do in the spring? fun things
38. Thing to do in the summer? swim, run around..
39. Thing to do in the fall? football games, play soccer, school things..?
40. Things to do in the winter? SHRED THE GNAR GNAR

41. The CD player? well right now rilo kiley and michael jackson
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? tara or something
43. Ever taken a cab? yes
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? no but sometimes
45. What color is your bedroom? magenta
46. Do you use an alarm clock? yes
47. Window seat or aisle? dont care

48. What's your sleeping position? well considering i'm sleeping when i do it...
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yes
50. Do you snore? maybe. i think i have
51. Do you sleepwalk? no, i have though
52. Do you talk in your sleep? yessss
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no
54. How about with the light on? i can
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? yes

--Issues and US Stuff--
Do you eat meat?: yes I LOVE MEAT JESUS
If you do, what is your justification for it?: why should i justify my eating meat
If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be?: gay marriage, marijuana.. stuff?
Do you belive in the death penalty?: yes
If you had a choice, which country would you have chosen to be born into?: maybe somewhere in the UK
Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: alright, it helps cancer, puts you in a good mood, everyone has it... come on
What about gay marriage?: oh my gosh. everyone should let this go. people like to get married. and people include gay people. so ok.
Red, White and Blue is a ghastly color combination, right?: yeah i dont like it
What television news coverage do you detest the most?: larry king live
What will you do if Bush is re-elected? i will be pissed. but what can i do about it.
Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first?: ok. what.
Who do you consider "American Heros"?: anyone who risks their lives for someone or something

--Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions --
have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? yea
Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? AHAHA YESSS
Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: i'm ebay-retarded
Are the Muppets sinister? ...what, no?
Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis?: no
Ever gotten into an "in person" argument with a total stranger? no
Sugar or Honey?: sugar
How many e-mails do you recieve a day?: none for me really
Do you think that time travel is a possibility?: that would be nice. maybe? but you'd think they'd have figured it out by now if it was possible.
Have you ever had a past life regression?: no..
San Francisco or New York City?: i've only been to frisco and i love it there
Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys?: boredom causes me to do these things
Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: a push pop. those are so good.
If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be?: i dont know

Emotions And Such

Have you attempted suicide more than once?: no. never.
Cutting?: NONONO
Do you get violent when you are angry?: not really
Which emotion are you most consumed by?: probably stress.
Are you highly emotive?: emotive? emotional?
Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself? i talk about them. to everyone.
Do you fall in love easily?: no. i usually fall out of love too easily. it's weird. i cant explain it.
What age/year was the most difficult for you?: 7th grade/12-13
How do you channel your anger/sadness?: i cry, complain, write
List a few simple things that make you happy: good movies, reading the yearbook and magazines, john cusak, music, when i feel good
When were you most recently your happiest?: i dont know really. maybe at school in the yearbook room. i seriously love that class.


Describe your best friend as if you were describing a character from a film: no
Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other?: you know, not really, no.
List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: they are my friends. haha. i'm bored of this.
Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend?: no i dont think so
If yes, are you still friends with that person?:
Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older?: it doesnt matter. mostly my age i guess, but i try to be friends with whoever is nice to me.


Are you close to your family?: yesss
What traits are you glad you inherited from them?: er..happiness, sense of humor, stuff
Which traits are you pissed off you inherited from them?: stubborness, getting angry easily, being too emotional
What sitcom does your family most remind you of?: oh man. um. im not sure
Does your family live locally or far away?: here. all of them.
Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family?: no
Have either of your parents died?: no
Is your family very much like you or are you opposites?: well both i think
How many siblings do you have?: none
Has your family ever thrown food at each other?: haha yes and other objects
Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy?: joy
Do you look like your parents?: i've been told that i do and i've been told that i don't. i don't think i do.
List one interesting fact about your family: weiner


Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea?: straight
Married/partnered?: no
Ever gone out with someone you were embarrassed to be seen with?: no..
Ever broken someone’s heart?:
How many serious relationships have you had?: 3
Do you believe in monogamy?: yes
Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn't have? oh yes. only once really though.
Do you believe in the theory of soulmates?: sort of
Ever cheated?: yes..
Been cheated on?: yes
Most important emotional qualities of a lover?: there are lots

Would You Rather...

Eat a steak or a whole tube of toothpaste?: steak for sure. i hate toothpaste
Be covered in papercuts or cigarette burns?: probably cigarette burns. paper cuts make me want to kill myself.
Be percieved as intelligent or street-smart (but not both)?: street smart
Eat a bottle cap or a spider the size of a bottle cap?: ah. bottle cap
Be ruled exclusively by your heart or your mind?: heart
Have the power to read minds or make anyone fall in love with you? read minds
Chew shards of broken glass or sit on a lighted barbeque grill?: ouch. bbq.
Be able to fly or be able to render yourself invisible?: that is a tough one.. probably fly.
Have questionable integrity or no sense of humor?: questionable integrity
Granted the answers to any 3 questions or ability to resurrect one person?: i guess neither. i would want to resurrect more than one. and getting 3 questions answered wouldn't be that important to me.

Final Questions

Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial?: AH YES I HATE THAT
Ever yelled at an SUV?: well when i shut my finger in the car door. but that was a grand am not an suv.
A Hummer?: no..
If you could turn back time and change one thing, what would it be?: oh lots of stuff
Bambi or Nemo?: neither. gah.
How long have you been on xanga?: ?
Do you find it to be a fulfilling experience?:?


and here is a picture of me because i like to take them.

haha i am an idiotface.
but i love you.

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