A girlpower!-tastic TVD episode!

Feb 17, 2012 20:19

I mean, subtly so. But I was really pleased with the ladies tonight....

1. The Elena-Rebecca scenes!!! This has the potential to be so much more interesting than Elena/Elijah (seriously, wtf, who cares). They had a real, honest connection before Elena stabbed them. Why isn't THAT something Elena feels sorry for? I'd like to see her angst out over betraying Rebecca like that, AND I'd like to see her earn Becca's trust back.

Until that happens, though, I would like more scenes of Rebecca crapping on Elena. Because they are lots of fun!

2. Esther is an awesome Big Bad, in a not-at-all-bad kind of way. Also she's awesome because she's not dead yet, which is surprising.

But looking back on the episode, I'm struggling to remember why she had to cast this big huge spell in the first place. Aren't the siblings already linked? Couldn't Finn have just killed himself? I'm kinda confused.

3. The Elena/Bonnie/Caroline scenes. Really nice to see the three of them together again. And that last scene - it's about time Elena and Bonnie have this conversation. Because, yeah, this is becoming a problem for Bonnie.

4. Bonnie's mother is a vampire. This is SO HORRIBLE, and yet COULD lead to really good places. Bonnie's character is in a position right now where we should see some really strong character development. Let's see if the writers get it right or screw it up.

As for the boys' side of things?

1. Man, I loved the Stefan-Damon interactions. I wonder if Damon is really stepping out of the picture regarding Elena?

....Bwhahaha, sorry, my brain must have melted for a second there. Anyways, it would be REALLY NICE if he were. But just the fact that he pointed out "I'm better at being the bad guy...." YES YOU ARE. LEAVE IT THAT WAY. STEFAN, GET BACK WITH ELENA ALREADY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

2. HOLY CRAP IS ALARIC DEAD????????? I mean, surely he's not. Whatsherface will probably turn out to be supernatural, or she'll have missed, or something. Hahaha. That was a great HOLYSHIT ending though. I love how she just leaves piles of incriminating evidence out on her kitchen table, even when she has house guests. Well done, crazy sexy serial killer. (or whatever Damon called her)

3. My final thought is about the Mikaelson family. Writers. Listen to me. I understand that you probably are falling in love with your own villains. But THEY ARE NOT THE HEROES OF THIS SHOW. A reveal that oh no, their lives might be in danger, should not be some kind of emotional clincher to the episode. Just sayin'.


ALSO, COUGAR TOWN!! It finally came back to meeeee!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I don't know how I feel about the proposal, but I will say that 1) "You're a crazy person" was, by far, the most romantic thing in the whole episode, and 2) those characters needed a green screen about a year ago. Best decision ever.


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