have you ever walked on air?
Flew in the sky?
You only get one life...
Give it a try!
Have you kissed a fool?
Done a dance and give it all you got?
Go out and do it!
It's fun! Why not?
Don't be sad
Please don't cry
Face your fears
and swallow your pride.
Have you seen a crow look both ways and cross the street?
Have you seen the world crumble at your feet?
I see the leaves gossip in my face
they're plotting a murder
and won't leave a trace
I'm going to cry
I'm alone and confused
it doesn't matter to you
I just feel so used
your time's up
the bells are ringing
the fat lady is no longer singing
the oceans no longer blue like the eyes behind your glasses
but all the times that are bad eventually passes
that has nothing to do with my life now.. i was just all emo earlier this year