Some annoyances on DA have made me inclined to post this FAQ. If anything isn't covered, just comment.
Basics & Personal
Q: What is your real name?
A: It's Felice Regina. I sign my art Felice (all lowercase in cursive).
Q: Why do you go by imhitomi/Hitomi?
A: When I first became active in LJ and DA as well as forums I was about 13 and very scared of internet predators. I chose to go by the alias Hitomi for safety reasons. Now I am old enough to discern where I can use my real name. I've established where I am comfortable using my real name.
Q: Why did you chose Hitomi?
A: My friend picked it for me.
Q: Do you speak Japanese?
A: No, and I have no intention to learn.
Q: What languages DO you speak?
A: English (duh) and French. I can understand Italian a tiny bit but not speak it. I plan on taking Mandarin in college and possibly Korean.
Q: How old are you?
A: I was born Nov. 29, 1990. Do the math.
Q: Where do you live?
A: In Texas, USA.
Q: Why are you so grouchy?
A: I just am. I get annoyed easily and have little tolerance for ignorance. It's just how I am.
Q: How can I contact you?
A: my email is
Q: Why don't you go on DA anymore?
A: I got tired of all the annoying/imature people and people who stole my stuff.
Q: Can i watch you?
A: Um, yeah. You don't need to ask, but I don't update anymore.
Q: Can i use your pixels as my avatar?
A: You can use them if it says it's free to use in the description. Just don't claim you made it.
Q: Can I use your art anywhere off DA?
A: No. I only allow my pixels to be used as DA avatars with credit. Nothing else may be reposted anywhere. You may not use my pixels off DA.
Q: Will you critique my art?
A: No. I don't critique because I have a very harsh opinion and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
Q: Will you look at my art?
A: If I want, to I will. I'm not going to just because you ask.
Q: Will you make me an avatar?
A: No. I don't take requests. Every once in a while, I'll offer free avatars and I'll advertise in my journal, but aside from those times, I do not take requests.
Q: What programs do you use?
A: Adobe Photoshop CS2 for pretty much everything and Adobe Image Ready for pixeling/animating.
Q: What do you use for art not on the computer?
A: All my chibis start out on paper. I draw them in pencil and ink them in using Pilot V5 precise pens, then erase the pencil, but that's as far as it goes.
Q: How did you learn to draw?
A: I just was born knowing. My teachers and parents said I was naturally talented, but some of it I learned from my older brother. I just kind of watched how he drew and imitated it, but I surpassed him in drawing people. ^ ^ My mom is also a good artist. When i was 12, I briefly took private art lessons to learn how to better draw portriats but that was only a few months. Most of what I know comes from studying other's art.
Q: How did you learn to do pixel art?
A: I studied other's pixels and just kept on trying. I'm still not very good at it, but I keep working.
Q: Can you teach me?
A: I make tutorials but other than that no.
Q: I have a specific question about how to do something. Can you answer it?
A: No. There are plenty of tutorials out there. Search for it. That's what I did.
Art Commissions/Requests
Q: Do you take commissions?
A: Depends. I am generally pretty busy with school, but if I have time, sure.
Q: How much?
A: Depends. I don't do them enough to have a price chart. Just ask and we'll haggle.
Q: Do you do requests?
A: No. Not enough time.
Q: Will you make me something?
A: Only if you are one of my "friends" and I feel like it. As a general rule, don't ask.
Q: How do you make your jewlery?
A: Either with clay that's been painted and sealed or with resin.
Q: Can I buy some?
A: Nope, because I no longer make it.
Q: Can i use your art to make icons, banners, or other things?
A: No.
Q: Can i use your art on my website as a background image.
A: No.
Q: Can i post your pixels or art off DA?
A: No. I do not allow my art to be taken of DA unless I give you permission.
Q: Can I trace your art for practice?
A: If you do it for your own personal use, and do not redistribute or post it, yeah it's fine.
Q: Can I post your art on my blog?
A: If you ask permission and tell me why. And if i say yes, you MUST like back to my DA/Flickr.
Q: Can I add your pixels to my toybox?
A: No, too many people take them from toyboxes and don't credit. It's just easier if you don't.
Q: Where do you post your art?
A: My DA (ilovemychibidonut), my LJ (imhitomi), my flickr (ohaihitomi), and a few forums, where it it will always be under the username imhitomi or ilovemychibidonut.
Q: I saw your work somewhere it yours?
A: If it's not one of those that I listed, it has been stolen.
Q: I saw someone stealing your stuff. What do I do?
A: Contact me. Don't argue with them, but I need to know. Give the link to where it is.
Q: What kind of dolls do you collect?
A: I currently BJDs and a Pullip but in the past I have collected Pullips/Taeyangs and Blythes. I also have one Pinky St. and a bunch of re-ment animals.
Q: Where did you get them?
A: The majority of my dolls were bought in forum market sections with the exception of my Pullips/Teayangs which I got from Pullip Style.
Q: Where do you get their outfits?
A: All their clothes either came with the doll, from an online store, sale threads on doll forums, or were handmade by me. My Pullip wears mostly re-ment clothes.
Q: Do you customize dolls?
A: Yes. I started off doing more extreme customs based off Venitian masks, which I have been designing and painting for several years. I recently took up more natural looks. I customize BJDs, pullip/taeyang/dal, and blythe.
Q: What do you use to customize your dolls?
A:Live Journal
Q: Why are you friends only?
A: I post a lot of art and I don't what strangers stealing it. Plus I don't like strangers in my business.
Q: Can you add me?
A: Comment on the Friends Only entry with the banner. State where you know me from and why you want to added.
Q: Who are all those guys/girls in your icons?
A: Usually the guys are members of Super Junior and the girls are members of Morning Musume.
Q: Where do you get your icons?
A: I make them.
Q: Can I use your icons?
A: Sure, but you must credit. No stealing!
Q: Can you make me an icon?
A: No.
Q: What forums do you visit?
A: Pullip Style, DOA, DOD, and Soompi.
Q: What is your opinion on Only13.
A: I am very much against Only13. I am a very big fan of Henry and Zhou Mi. I don't care if you are an Only13er but don't bring those ideas to my journal.