House "Joy" Review

Oct 29, 2008 18:08

I've written a review for the House episode "Joy", I'm thinking about starting to do this for every episode. It's a good way to learn! Tough, I might be very harsh...
Spoiler warning if you haven't seen the episode!

“Joy” was an episode that follows the lead of all the horribly soap opera imitations that have been aired this season, and the previous one. The beginning was promising, and the whole episode was filmed really well-a good change from last week. Though the storyline and script did not live up to the bar they set when this show started to air.

The playful banter that has existed between House and Cuddy throughout all the seasons have crossed a line and has brought the amazing character of Lisa Cuddy down to being a person House can just walk straight over. In this episode the dean of medicine we met is the Pilot gone and replaced with someone who lets emotion get to her and stops her from doing her administrative duties. In season one she was the character holding everything together, though pushed to the background a lot, in this episode she is self-absorbed and gives a woman medical advice that benefits her and not the woman- this would not “season one Cuddy” do.

This episode could have been amazing, if they’d expanded this storyline over a few episodes instead of cramming it into one episode, letting us to get used to the fact that Cuddy was having a child, and then after a few episodes revealed that Cuddy would not get this baby. Instead of doing this they pushed aside the PoTW to rush this storyline so that they could have Cuddy and House kiss. This episode was a disappointment, loosing the high standard that it had so long ago in season three.

Tough acting was great, the rest failed to succeed, and what is left is a great cast with episodes of soap opera tendencies. This show is soon fighting with shows like Grey’s Anatomy about cramming the most drama into one episode. I don’t know if I want to be around for that.

house, episode review

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