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Likability - The reasons Remington has to like a person. The higher the rating, the more likely he is to have pleasant conversation.
Dislike - The reasons Remington has to dislike a person. The higher the rating, the more likely Remington is to be violent.
Attraction - How physically attractive someone is to Remington. The higher the rating, the more likely Remington is to try and seduce them or compliment them.
Interest - How much interest Remington has in a person to pursue information or items. The higher the rating, the more likely Remington is to actively pursue conversation.
Threat - How much of a threat Remington perceives a person to be to him. The higher the rating, the less likely Remington will interact with them in person.
Mysterious Xelor
"Well I won't kill you, for one."
Likability: ○○○○○
Dislike: ••○○○
Attraction: ○○○○○
Interest: ••○○○
Threat: •••○○
His motives are unknown, and now that he's in Luceti, he might as well just be a loose cannon. The problem is that Remington doesn't know much about him yet, but he does know of his accomplishments back in the World of Twelve. Quite frankly, someone that Remington would like to stay on the good side of, if possible.
Shy and Fickle Girl
"Huh? Is your brother here, too, Mr. Remington?"
Likability: •○○○○
Dislike: ○○○○○
Attraction: •○○○○
Interest: ••○○○
Threat: ○○○○○
[BLAZBLUE] The only things that Remington really understood from his conversation with her was that she was very shy, and loved the friends that she made in her stay in Luceti. Which was over a year. Not only that, but Remington has reason to believe that her homeworld may be quite the hellhole, or something similar to that. It's a vibe that she gave, calling it a "torn situation" on going home or staying in Luceti.
Only time will tell if he'll get that information out of her. At the very least, Remington actually told her about his brother, so it's only a matter of time until they speak again.
Sickly Doctor
"Quite a few of the medicines I've made over the years haven't been the most... well... best-tasting either."
Likability: •○○○○
Dislike: ○○○○○
Attraction: •○○○○
Interest: •○○○○
Threat: ○○○○○
[BLAZBLUE] Their first encounter was when she seemed to be catching a cold, sneezing over the journals, leading to Remington suggesting Thistle Soup to her as a cure. It was through this conversation that he learned that she was a doctor. Good information to keep on hand, indeed.
Servant of the Great Dragon
"It is my duty to aid the new arrivals here."
Likability: •○○○○
Dislike: ○○○○○
Attraction: ○○○○○
Interest: •••○○
Threat: •○○○○
[FIRE EMBLEM 8] This was the man who assisted Remington upon his arrival. He caught Remington's eye by walking around, using magic as a source of light. This led to a conversation that enlightened Remington on the situation at Luceti, and Saleh also informed him a bit about his homeworld. His usage of his magical codices have enticed Remington's taste for acquiring powerful artifacts, mostly thanks to the lack of Shushus in Luceti.
Only time will tell if Saleh becomes another of Remington's unfortunate victims, and his magical codices as a trophy. Until then, Remington may have to check out those Filial Spirits mentioned. The guide had good information on them, after all.
Curious Fellow
"I find that diplomacy tends to be fruitless."
Likability: ••○○○
Dislike: ○○○○○
Attraction: ○○○○○
Interest: ••○○○
Threat: ○○○○○
[TALES OF PHANTASIA] Someone that Remington enjoyed having a conversation about conflict between nations. There wasn't much information that he managed to get out of Dhaos about himself, but the man's opinions on conflict and how to handle it were very interesting. Remington wouldn't mind talking to him again about something else.
Bartender With A Bad Attitude
Likability: ○○○○○
Dislike: •○○○○
Attraction: ○○○○○
Interest: •○○○○
Threat: •••○○
[DURARARA!!] The bartender at Seventh Heaven who Remington ordered beer through. It seemed he was in a bad mood that only increasingly got worse as Remington continued with his order. He figured it was probably not good for business to have such a mean looking bartender on shift.
It also seemed like Shizuo was more than ready to hit Remington over the head with a bar stoop, if it weren't for the interference of Zack Fair. With that, Remington can't help but feel that this man may in fact be the one that Leo Baskerville was asking about. The one who threw the fountain.
Injured Girl
"... What's a 'con-se-quence'?"
Likability: •○○○○
Dislike: •○○○○
Attraction: ○○○○○
Interest: •○○○○
Threat: ○○○○○
[PANDORA HEARTS] A girl who bled all over the journal upon her arrival. She's odd, and seemed to be under the impression that her wound would heal back up in no time flat. It only raises questions on what kind of wounds she got up until then and other such things. Lily also seemed to not understand a few words Remington used, which is typical of the ignorant.
And he's still wondering if she simply mispronounced cawwot as carrot, or the two are separate items of food. If so, what kind of healing properties do carrots have that eating tons of them could remove such a wound? Her wound did seem to be somewhat grave.
Noel Vermillion
Lily Baskerville
Hamato Michelangelo
Hamato Leonardo
Winry Rockbell
Jin Kisaragi
The Incredible Hulk
Leo Baskerville
Zack Fair
Ange Ushiromiya