Literary Meme.

Apr 03, 2010 14:50

1. Which author do you own the most books by? Either Chuck Palahniuk or Neil Gaiman. I couldn't tell you for sure, but there's probably a one or two book difference between the two.

2. Which book do you own the most copies of? Um, it's Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling. I have a paperback and a hardback copy of each, and just one copy of all my other books.

3. Which fictional character are you secretly in love with? Once upon a time, I might have had an answer for this, but right now, there's no one. Lol

4. Which book have you read more than any other? Good Omens.

5. What was your favorite book when you were ten years old? Umm.... I have no clue. Probably Babysitter's Club or something.

6. What is the worst book you’ve read in the past year? I haven't really read anything new in the past year, except maybe the Twilight series. And since I couldn't read the first one, so I read the second, and couldn't stomach the third, so I read about half of the fourth and left it at that, I'm going to go with the Twilight series.

7. What is the best book you’ve read in the past year? I really liked My Horizontal Life and Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler.

8. If you could tell everyone you tagged to read one book, what would it be? I would probably tell them to pick something by Chuck Palahniuk, whichever one they think they'll like the best, and read it.

9. What is the most difficult book you’ve ever read? Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. It's the ONLY book I have ever had to walk away from because I was too nauseas to finish the chapter. Second most difficult would probably be Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. I was thirteen and didn't understand half of the words.

10. Do you prefer the French or the Russians? I'm going with x_carnivale_x  on this one. I don't really have an opinion.

11. Shakespeare, Milton or Chaucer? Shakespeare was the only one I ever really read, and I didn't care much for it. (I'm terrible at reading scripts.)

12. Austen or Eliot? Again, Austen. Never really cared for her, but she's the only one I've read.

13. What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading? I can't really say that there is one.

14. What is your favorite novel? Again, I don't really have one. I guess you could say Good Omens.

15. Play? I always liked Edgar Allen Poe on stage.

16. Poem? Never been a huge fan of poetry, but I guess you could say ee cummings.

17. Essay? There was an essay I had to read for English on eating Irish babies. Something about satire. That's all I remember, but I liked it.

18. Short Story? No clue.

19. Non-Fiction? I'm not the biggest fan of non-fiction.

20. Graphic Novel? Or graphic novels...

21. Science Fiction? ...and I don't ever catch on to the fact that I read science fiction until after I've already read it.

22. Who is your favorite writer? Chuck Palahniuk or Neil Gaiman.

23. Who is the most over rated writer alive today? Stephenie Meyer.

24. What are you reading right now? Right now, I'm kind of going back and forth between American Gods by Neil Gaiman and Rant by Chuck Palahniuk.

25. Best Memoir? This is kind of like science fiction. I don't really pay attention to genres. I just read what I like and sometimes happen to come across something that says it was a memoir or whatever.

26. Best History? One of my favourite historical fictions was about Hitler's affair with his neice.

27. Best mystery or Noir? Don't read much mystery, but I used to be big into the The Cat Who... series. Does that count?

books&authors, meme

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