it's fascinating to watch how people change. and it sucks when you end up on the bad part of it.
i'm starting to realize that i tricked myself into believing some people were actually my friends. for long periods of time. and it sucks to get smacked in the face knowing that it's not true.
so i went to israel. and it was amazing. and beautiful. and more than i ever thought it could be. and then i did when everyone told me not to. i fell for a soldier. and he fell for me. ahh! i can't wait to go back.
my heart is hurting. my roommate is moving out tomorrow to go to utah next semeseter. i'm really excited for her, because i can tell she wants it so bad. she'll be back, but still. she's my best friend. and i love her to death. and she's not going to even be in the same time zone.
i hate it when my roommate is drunk. this is how i end up staying up until 430am the night before i need to write four papers and go to work. she ruins good nights.