Questions - Genma/Raidou fic

May 29, 2009 10:48

Title: Questions
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: oral, frot, fingering, m/m
Summary: On the way home from a mission, Genma and Raidou take a detour at a hot springs resort. Raidou has a request. Genma has a realization.

This is the seventh story in my Answers one-shots series, and it might be readable as a one-shot, if you haven't read the others yet. The previous installments are:

Fill the Silence
Stay Awake, Go To Sleep
Too Much

Raidou knew me well, there was no doubting that.

I never would have suggested that we stop for the day so early; I would have been embarrassed to even hint it to someone else. But it was just the two of us, on our first mission together in months, and we were about to pass by the fork in the road that would take us to a hot springs resort town.

And Raidou, knowing me, stopped.

"Want to stay there tonight?" Raidou asked, voicing my secret wish.

"You sure?" I asked, not really trying to change his mind. I just had to clear my conscience a bit - it felt unprofessional to delay our return to the village just so I could take a bath.

"We could be home by morning, if we keep walking," I added lamely, dutifully, and he laughed out loud.

"And I'm sure you'd love to sit through the debriefing like that, too," he chuckled. Like this - there was dirt and mud and sweat coating me liberally. And then there was blood, thick arterial blood soaking my right sleeve and pants leg. Some had even gotten in my shoe, and it squished when I walked. Disgusting.

"My legs are hurting, anyway. I could use a soak," he said, and he turned down the path.

"Fine, fine," I said, and turned to follow him.

An hour later, with our clothes sent to the laundry, our bags safely stored in our room, and the filth on our bodies scrubbed off, we relaxed into the hot waters of an onsen. We both made relieved noises when we slid into the water. We let the heat ease the stress and ache from our battered muscles for a few minutes, speaking only in grunts and sighs.

"I'll be glad when they make up their minds," I said, breaking the humid, comfortable silence.

"No shit," Raidou said. "I can't wait until we're on normal missions again."

I nodded in full agreement, then slapped a wet washcloth over my eyes and leaned my head back. We were both under consideration for tokubetsu jounin, and for the past six months or so, we had been getting specialized missions as part of an ongoing test. It was becoming apparent what our classifications would be; my last dozen missions had been assassinations, and Raidou had been on protection duty for months, acting as bodyguard for increasingly more important nobles and dignitaries. This last mission, intended to end a feudal dispute, had called for both, and the daimyo's war-ravaged coffers hadn't allowed for a third man.

Which, now that it was over, now that we made it through without a tracking- or intelligence-nin, seemed to be a very good thing indeed. If we had had the usual third with us, we would surely be an hour down the road right now, still covered in blood and filth, with a cold camp and a colder river to bathe in our destination for the night.

"Mmmm," I groaned, stretching my calves and flexing my toes in the almost-too-hot water. "I'm glad we stopped." I scratched at a shallow, healing kunai-slash that ran over my ribs, then peeled the washcloth off of my eyes and looked at him. He was turning red from the heat, and his scars stood out pale against his ruddy skin. And his thick, dark hair was messy and wet, and for a few seconds, it was really hard to not slide over next to him and start touching him. I tongued my senbon, then rolled from one side of my mouth to the other. "Think they'll put us on a team again, afterwards?"

"I hope so," Raidou said. He twisted to scratch his back against the textured rim of the bathing pool. "We were always a good team."

"If they don't, we should ask them to. I mean, they'd be stupid not to," I said. We were quiet for a few more minutes, and then Raidou cleared his throat.

"Do you think they know about us?" he asked. I looked at him sharply, and he was staring straight ahead, trying to keep his face blank.

"No - why would they?"

"I don't know... " he said. "I thought maybe that was why they split us up on missions."

"I'm pretty sure that's not why. I think they just had to make sure we worked as well separately as we do on a team," I reasoned. I waited for his slow nod, and then I continued. "And besides, most of my missions have been covert, in and out, and we haven't needed a bodyguard. Have you had an assassin along with you lately?"

"You're right," he said, nodding more confidently this time. "Still, I'll be glad when we can work together more."

I would, too. I did miss Raidou's company on missions, that solid, reassuring presence that was probably the reason why he was being classified like he was. I also missed having the same off-days; two or three weeks without sex was a lot more than I was willing to go, and I guess sleeping with Raidou had spoiled me a little. No one else could come close to comparing, any more. I let my eyes run over his shoulders, tanned and wet where they sloped into the water, and up to his face, flushed with heat and beaded with sweat.

He turned toward me and the corner of his mouth twitched up when he saw the way I was looking at him.

"I'm about done," Raidou said, sitting up straight. "You?"

"Yeah. You want to stop and have a few drinks before we go back to our room?" I asked. I really didn't want to - I was ready to get somewhere private. We had been together for a week, but together on missions is a lot different than together at home.

Raidou pushed himself out of the bathing pool, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his body, from the water sheeting down over all that long, solid muscle.

"Or we could just get some sent up to our room," he said, with a grin tossed over his shoulder, as he walked to the changing room.

Like I said, Raidou knew me well.


Back in our room, I unpacked our bag of snacks while Raidou moved around, closing curtains, unfolding the futons and pushing them together. We had decided to stop for food anyway, as the loud rumblings of Raidou's stomach could be clearly heard over the noise of the busy street. I was glad I had accepted the last minute bonus practically forced on me by our client's daughter, along with a hasty, clumsy kiss; it was a resort town, after all, and a nice one at that, so prices were steep.

I set the waxed-paper packages out on the counter, and Raidou came up beside me and opened up our liquor. He took a few big swigs before he poured it out into cups, and then he commandeered one of the food cartons and started in with gusto. I laughed a little at the speed with which he was eating, though at the same time I felt the same impatience. I ate a few mouthfuls, drank a few cups, not tasting any of it, and while I was mid-drink, I felt a warm hand at the small of my back.

"I wanted you all week," Raidou said, and I blinked slowly as a wave of heat washed through me at his words. To our credit, and to my very pleased surprise, we had been purely professional throughout the mission, never once trying to sneak off into a darkened hall or some hidden location. I had even steeled myself, from the minute we started out from Konoha, to stop him, if necessary. But apart from a few weighted glances, coming closer and closer together as the days went on, we had been able to treat each other as purely team-mates, if team-mates with a very high comfort level.

Which was the way it should be. And it was fortunate it turned out like that... any other outcome might have set off warning alarms in either one of our heads.

But. Now we were alone, and finished with our mission, and Raidou was tugging at the hem of my shirt. I hadn't even put my drink down yet.

"I know what you mean," I said. I took the last drink and discarded my cup on the counter, then lifted my arms above my head so Rai could pull my shirt up. I pulled it the last foot over my head and dropped it onto the floor while his hands roamed over my chest and stomach. His thumbs slowed on my nipples and worried them exquisitely until they were hard, pointed little nubs, until my cock started to twitch and lengthen against my zipper.

"You remember when you were ordering his guards around?" I asked. I jerked his shirt up and pulled it off, to let it fall beside mine. "I got a hard-on."

He grinned and went for my fly.

"I got turned on when I saw you come back in from recon that second night," he admitted, then he dipped his head in to bite gently at my shoulder. "You were so quiet, and graceful... " he laughed awkwardly against my shoulder and cupped my almost-fully-hard cock. He squeezed softly, then continued. "It feels weird to say it... but I think it was the look on your face. You looked so dangerous and confident, and it made me so hot."

I groaned as he squeezed again. I reached down to help, to unfasten my pants so he could reach inside, my fingers actually shaking with eagerness. I shoved my pants down over my hips, and even though I expected it, his warm hand still sent a wonderful shock through my system when it closed around my dick.

His other hand drifted down to my balls, rubbing and squeezing and lifting, and his mouth started moving hot and wet over my neck. I reached out to balance myself on the countertop. After a few dizzying seconds I got over the initial shock of contact, and my hands itched to feel his body. As I unbuttoned his pants, I turned my face toward his, and another electric thrill sizzled through me when our lips met.

"Genma-- " he pulled away to whisper, then cut off in a groan when I palmed the tip of his cock, then ran my slightly cool fingertips down his hot shaft. "I wanted to do something," he finally got out.

My pulse sped up even more and I gave his cock a long, squeezing stroke. His fingers sped up on me in answer. "Ahh... what do you want to do?" I asked, anticipation tightening my chest.

"It... nnhhh... " he pressed his forehead against my shoulder, and I felt his breath puff out in a heavy gust down my chest that tightened my hard nipples even more. I slowed down my hand so he could talk. "Ah-- never mind, we'll do it later. I-- need to get off. Don't have the patience now."

I moaned in agreement and thrust my hips into his steadily stroking hand, then I disengaged to kneel down in front of him.

His cock jerked when I steadied it at the base, jerked again when it brushed against my bottom lip. He let out a low moan when I took him deep into my mouth, and I dropped my free hand to my dick and started jerking frantically. Raidou wanted to try something...

Thoughts of what he might want to try this time flitted through my head... thoughts I knew were improbable, even as they brought me to the edge so quickly I felt like I was thirteen again. I imagined my tongue, my fingers, god, my cock sliding in between his perfect, muscular ass-cheeks, and then my come was pouring out hot over my hand, and I was moaning around his dick.

"Hhhnnn, God," he gritted out through clenched teeth above me. With the hand he wasn't using to steady himself on the counter, he threaded his fingers through my damp hair and gripped the back of my neck, and he started to thrust heavily into my mouth. I groaned around his driving cock, and after a few thrusts, gathered myself enough to participate more actively. I sealed my lips around his thick shaft, and moaned, and just like that, he was done for.

"Genma, fuck," he whispered shakily. His dick pulsed hard, and his come was bitter and hot in my mouth. He gasped for air as he finished. When I finally let his softening length slip from my mouth, he reached down and helped me up.

"Mmmm," he hummed contentedly. He leaned back against the counter and pulled me against his body. I snorted, strangely light-headed.

"What?" he asked, pushing a wayward strand of hair out of my eyes. His face looked... he looked fucking beautiful to me then, all sated and content and comfortable and... affectionate. That last put a hitch in my breath, and to avoid dealing with it, I laughed.

"You lasted, what? A minute?" I teased.

He laughed back and cuffed me lightly on the shoulder.

"You're one to talk," he joked back. "You came as soon as you got my dick in your mouth."

"No, I jerked it at least four times first," I said, mock-serious, and he laughed again. He pulled me closer, squeezed me hard enough to knock a little of the breath out of me, then he exhaled heavily against my shoulder.

"Wanna lay down?" I asked, feeling that sweet post-orgasmic lethargy starting to take over.

"In a minute," he said softly, then he found my mouth with his. It was a slow, wet open-mouthed kiss, and I made a quiet noise when he sucked my tongue into his mouth. Long minutes later it was still happening, and his hands were warm and calloused and felt so, so good sliding up my back, and I wanted him again even though it was still too soon for my body to respond.

But it kept on, and on, until I forgot about the come smeared all over my right hand, and I pressed it against his side. He jumped.

"Sorry," I said, trying not to laugh. "I should go wash up a little."

"Yeah, you do that," he said, actually wrinkling his nose as he wiped his side off with one of our shirts.

An hour later found us half-dozing on the bed, after finishing dinner naked at the counter. We were both worn out from the mission, and it had caught up to us. I always forgot somehow that no matter how well it goes, a mission is still a mission, and it always takes a lot out of you.

The sun was going down, sending warm orange light through the cracks in the curtains, when Raidou rolled over and spread his hand out on my stomach.

"You awake?" he asked, and he stroked up to my chest.

" 'm awake," I mumbled, a half-truth.

"You want to... do something?" he asked. I suddenly remembered what he said earlier, about something he wanted to try, and I was wide, wide awake.

"What?" I asked, and I rolled over to face him. He was watching me intently, his eyes clear and untroubled. It... confused me. I had a hundred ideas of what he might be suggesting, and I thought it would be something new and slightly outside his comfort zone... but he looked calm and steady. So. It must be something different, then.

Maybe that was for the better, though. Maybe we weren't ready for anything more; maybe pushing the limits of our relationship would make him so uncomfortable he'd bolt, as I was afraid he'd do a few times in the past six months.

He didn't answer, though, not yet. Instead, he kissed me, long and soft and unhurried, and my heart was beating faster when he pulled away.

"I want you to show me," he said, and then he got this embarrassed look on his face. It made me want to kiss him again, so I did.

"Show me how you like to be touched," he said after a moment, breathing harder than he should have been when our mouths separated.

I laughed before I thought twice about it. I felt a little bad when his eyes slid away, and his face went pink.

"No, no -- you already touch me like I like to be touched, Raidou," I explained, not lying in the least. Raidou's hands on my body... there was nothing like it, and I didn't see how it could get any better. Though... I still sensed that he meant more than that, and I was doing my damndest not to get my hopes up.

He frowned and rubbed over my hip, still not meeting my gaze. He took a breath, opened his mouth, then closed it again.

"I'm serious, Raidou," I said, dipping my chin to try to engage his eyes.

"Just... humor me, okay?" he said, finally looking at me, his face serious.

"Okay, okay. I'll give it a shot." I didn't mention my suspicions, my guess as to what he was really asking for; I knew I'd find out as I went, and I didn't want to spell it out so clearly, make him think too much about it.

He nodded, and then rolled onto his back and folded his hands behind his head. "Just... do what you like. Show me."

"Right." I raised up into my knees and ran my hand down his chest, starting to really appreciate this position he was putting us in. Most of the time, I let him dictate what happened, and when, and I didn't get to have him all stretched out and open to me and on display like this.

I brushed my fingertips over his nipples, lightly at first, and then I gently plucked at them once they hardened. He closed his eyes and let out a soft breath, and I kept going down. Over his stomach, his abdominal muscles powerful and cleanly defined, even relaxed like this, and when I traced the flat fold of his navel, his dick twitched where it was laying soft against his lower belly.

I felt mine swell in answer, and when it did, I thought about what Raidou was suggesting, here; Show me, Raidou had said. And how, exactly, did I like to be touched? I thought about how much I loved being fingered, and how much Raidou loved doing it... and I thought about how horny it had made him when I rimmed him, that one time.

He was asking me, in this indirect way, to finger him. My mouth went dry, I was so sure of it.

I traced the sinuous lines of his stomach down to the hollow of his hip and kept going, drawing a line down the top of his thigh. I slowed at his knee, and then slid my fingertips inward and started moving up, and my stomach gave a hard twist when he parted his thighs. Just barely, just so I'd have room to stroke his sensitive inner thigh, but the way he turned his reddening face away was extremely telling.

I cupped his heavy balls and squeezed gently, trying to replicate the exact, perfect amount of pressure that Raidou used on me, and when I slipped my fingers up to circle them around his stiffening cock, I leaned down, and I kissed him. It was firm but undemanding; I couldn't tell him, 'I won't hurt you,' and I couldn't tell him, 'I'm glad you finally decided to try this,' or 'I'm glad you trust me.' We just didn't say those things to each other. But what I could do was to turn him on as much as possible, so he wouldn't have room in his head for doubts.

So I straddled one of his thighs as I jacked him, my cock getting stiffer as his did; I loved to feel him get hard in my hand.

And in my mouth. I rubbed my erection against his hard thigh and groaned as I pictured myself between his legs, sucking him off while I slid my fingers inside his body, while I stroked into him, while I showed him exactly how it was that I could come with just his fingers in my ass. I imagined the sound he would make when I pressed my fingers against his prostate for the first time.

Oh, god.

I didn't know what I would do with myself, how I'd deal with the fallout, if I was reading his request wrong. But I already felt the sensual pull of it, that same strong impulse that had led me not to care the first night, when I offered to suck his dick.

...Only, a part of my brain reminded me that there was more to lose, now, than simple friendship, no matter how strong.

Raidou thrust up into my hand, fully, impressively hard now, and the hazy, sexed-up look on his face thankfully broke through my introspection before I had the chance to psych myself out. I gave him a crooked grin and slid down his body, not taking my hand off his cock until I had myself situated between his spread legs, and my mouth an inch away from his erection.

And even though I had just had it in my mouth an hour prior, saliva pooled under my tongue when I breathed him in. God, his smell was such a turn-on... I closed my eyes and breathed in again, and I was assaulted by a rich succession of images, of Raidou in various stages of intoxication and undress and arousal.

Not for the first time, I thanked whatever gods were in charge of creating beer. I couldn't imagine him ever loosening up enough to ever start this, not without the help of alcohol.

But fuck if he wasn't loose now, his legs carelessly parted around me, his face slack with lust when I opened my eyes and found him looking down at me.

I gave him a lazy fuck-me grin, inhaled, and wrapped my mouth around his cock.

It was a good thing that I could give amazing head in my sleep, because my mind was only halfway on what I was doing. It was racing forward, planning, trying to figure out the best way to start. Should I test the waters first? Should I just aim for the target, and not give him time for second thoughts? Should I rim him first? Was there any lube within reach?

I pulled away from his dick, ostensibly to take a quick breath, and I glanced around the room. Ah... my bag was almost within reach, near the foot of the futon. I thought maybe I could reach it, if I just...

I stretched my leg out, smearing my spit all over Raidou's hard cock with my loose fist, and planning what I would say if Raidou asked what I was doing. Thank god I was a shinobi... I hooked my toe through the strap and reeled the bag in. I had no idea how normal people managed to do anything, sometimes. I almost felt sorry for them, but I was too busy feeling relieved that I didn't have to explain that I 'needed the lube for myself,' and too busy going down on Raidou's long, hot cock, and I forgot all about all those poor, untalented civilians in the world.

"Mmmh, Genma," Raidou whispered as I carefully ran my bottom teeth over the underside of his head. It was meant to be a distraction as I fished the little tube of lube out of my pants-pocket, but it didn't really work; Raidou was watching me carefully. And he didn't say anything about it, didn't look surprised... but he did look a little embarrassed, and he turned his face to the side as I settled between his legs again. But his fingers threaded into my hair, in what felt very nearly like permission - or at least acceptance - tightening and pulling when I slid my mouth down, slow, low, not stopping until his thick pubic hair tickled my nose, and my eyes watered.

I pulled back up and ran my lips over his head while I opened the lube one-handed, and squeezed a slick of it out onto my fingers. I licked his cock one more time, then pulled up onto my knees.

We shared a long, quiet look over the solid expanse of his torso, and I held his gaze as I slipped my hand between his legs. The deep breath he took when I gently pressed my slick finger against his anus made all the muscles in his chest and stomach move and flex, and it looked so good I moaned a little bit.

I didn't have to tell him to relax as I began to make wet circles around his asshole. He did it himself, resting his head back against the pillow and closing his eyes, and drawing in a soft, vocal breath when I pressed harder, massaging the tight ring of muscle, easing him up. I slid my eyes down his body, drifting over the ridges of his abs, the thick, hard length of his wet cock and his heavy balls, down to where my finger was pressed against his most secret of places.

I let my lips part as I eased forward with my fingertip, and carefully slid it inside him. Only to the first knuckle, and a quick glance at his face told me he was still okay, so I took a slow breath, and I kept going. Just a little deeper, and I felt him tense up around me.

"Rai," I whispered, and I reached up with my other hand to caress his inner thigh.

"I'm fine," he said, in answer to my unspoken question, and he shifted his legs until they were spread even wider, and looked down at me through half-open eyes. He curled an arm up over his head, slipping his hand underneath the pillow, and suddenly I thought I understood why Raidou asked for this, and why he was so calm about it. This was a stolen evening; we were finished with our mission, and not yet home. Our room was paid for with money that no-one knew existed, aside from us and the daimyo's daughter. We would never see this room again. If this didn't sit well with Raidou, he could... pretend it had never happened.

I was so hard it almost hurt. I swallowed again, and realized something else; I was more nervous than Raidou was. I didn't laugh, but I enjoyed the irony of it as I forced myself to relax, and I slid my other hand higher up Raidou's thigh, and curled it loosely around his heavy dick. Stroking the silky skin of his shaft with my thumb, I suggested, "Bear down a little."

"Hmm?" he asked, nudging his hips up to induce more contact from the hand around his cock.

I gave him a slow, loose stroke, and then elaborated. "Push down. With your muscles."

One side of his mouth tightened, but after a second or two, he drew in a long breath and did as I suggested.

I bit my tongue at a twisting surge of heat in my lower belly when I felt the oh-so-tight muscles of his asshole move, gripping my finger tighter for a split-second before the pressure eased.

"Now relax," I whispered, and I let the natural motions of his body pull my finger just a little deeper.

I gave his dick a slow stroke, then suggested, "Again."

I got deeper this time, almost to my last knuckle, and this time when he bore down without my instruction, I slid my finger out before thrusting carefully back in. He gasped, and his dick twitched in my hand, and I looked up to see him draping his forearm over his face.

There it was, the hesitance, the nervousness that I had been expecting earlier. But he wasn't telling me to stop... so I kept going, with slow, shallow, careful thrusts into his body, and firmer strokes to his dick, which had softened slightly in my hand. His mouth was partway open, and he was breathing too fast; I feared that whatever courage had urged him to ask for this, it was quickly deserting him. There was no getting around what I was doing to him right now. I was obviously, undeniably fingering his asshole... and if I read his body's cues right, he hadn't yet passed through the discomfort that he must be feeling, at having something shoved up his ass for the very first time.

I'd get him through it. I stopped the in-and-out thrusting, and I focused for a moment on his cock... jerking it slowly, with subtle twists at the head that I knew he liked. I worked up a mouthful of spit and leaned forward to let it fall down onto his dark pink head, then slathered it down his thick shaft, leaving my finger immobile inside him. And it was working; it didn't take long before his cock was fully hard again, stony-hard and slick and hot in my hand.

I felt a touch of relief at that, but I knew I wasn't out of the woods, yet. He could still stop me any second. Before he did, though... I wanted to show him one more thing.

So I slowly curled my finger inside him, upward, rubbing my fingertip against his slick inner flesh. I bit my lip and eased my fingertip back, searching, searching... the pad of my finger slid against a spot that was just slightly rougher, slightly firmer, and Raidou's whole body tensed up.

"Nnngh," he grunted through gritted teeth, and I dragged my fingertip over his prostate again, and watched his cock twitch in my hand.

I had him, now.

"Yeah," I whispered as I made little circles of pressure around the gland, and Raidou's back arched up off the bed slowly, his body wrought with tension. But a much different, better kind of tension than before. Though he still had his arm over his eyes, his mouth was open again, slack this time.

I looked down at his body, his long, strong muscular body tensing and flexing as I worked on him. I watched my finger slide deeper into Raidou's ass... Raidou, who still acted straight as an arrow, who still tensed up when the guys made a gay joke around him, who still told his parents he was seeing girls.

Raidou, who moaned when I eased a second finger into his asshole, and who started to push down with the rhythm of my fingers, to help me fingerfuck him better.

Raidou, who trusted me completely, who knew me better than anyone, who I wouldn't want to live without. Raidou...

...who I was deeply, completely in love with.

That realization, which had been creeping up on me for who knew how long, washed over me like a tidal wave, crashed through me like lightning. My fingers slowed in Raidou's body as my face went cold, and then hot, and I had to lean down and steady myself on one hand beside him.

He uncovered his face and looked at me, and his eyes were dark and deep and soft in his handsome, scarred face, and they burned right into me. I forced a control I didn't feel over my body, to keep from shaking as he reached up to wrap his hand around the back of my neck, and he pulled me in for a kiss.

And oh, god, the way he kissed me. It shook me up, it sent a shiver through me as his tongue slid out to twine soft and wet around mine, and I opened up and just... experienced this, this realization, these sensations, the sounds and smells and the feel of his body squeezing tight around my fingers as he reached down and took himself into his hand. There was no describing how I felt; no words I would try to put to it could even come close. I had never been in love before (and maybe that's why it took me so long to realize that that's what this was, oh, fuck, it really was), and to realize that I was so undeniably in love... it was exhilarating, it was nerve-wracking, it was incredible. And it scared the shit out of me.

Because it was Raidou that I loved.

There were so many things that could go wrong... there was so much to lose if this didn't go the right way.

I was distracted from my increasingly anxious thoughts by the realization that something was going very, very right; Raidou starting moaning louder in my mouth, and his thigh was trembling where my forearm was pressed against it. The tremble went deeper, and his hot, slick insides constricted around my fingers. His whole body started shaking harder as he jacked himself faster, and I was pulled completely back to the here-and-now.

Yes, I loved Raidou. But I had kind of known that already, hadn't I? And if I kept dwelling on it, I was going to fuck up what promised to be a mind-blowing, gut-wrenching orgasm... and considering the circumstances, that was the absolute last thing I wanted to do.

I slid my mouth away from his, and whispered, "You close?"

"Ah-hhh," was his answer, breathed out in a shaky sigh against my lips. I pushed myself up and back, and I took my place kneeling between his legs again, to watch it happen.

"Mh, fuck," he hissed through clenched teeth when I nudged up against his prostate with purpose, and with well-honed skill. His dick jerked in his hand and a long, shimmering drop of precum eased out of his slit, shaking as it dripped down onto his stomach.

I groaned and gripped his hard thigh, to feel the flex of muscle, and the strain, as his back arched up off the futon, and his jaw dropped open.

"Ahh, Guh-- " he grunted urgently. His eyes slammed shut, his forehead furrowed down, and he clutched hard at the futon with his free hand. Toenails scraped my ankle when his foot slipped on the bedding. "Ah, haaa--" With that last rough cry, his asshole spasmed tight around my pistoning fingers, and then hot come was shooting out of his cock, arcing out over his body in strong spurts, splashing against his hard, trembling, sweaty chest and stomach.

He gasped and panted as he came down from it, his muscles losing their tension, his eyes still closed. I carefully slid my fingers out of him and wiped them discretely on the edge of the futon, then I hovered there, on my knees between his legs, or maybe kneeling at his feet... that second one felt more accurate.

And then he slid his eyes open, and made a lazy little come-hither gesture, his face flushed and sweaty and relaxed, and what could I do but obey?

I lowered myself to the futon beside him, and the floor, the whole room seemed to tilt and spin as he languidly pushed himself up onto his elbows, loose-jointed and relaxed from his release. I watched him with my heartbeat thudding in my ears as he gave himself a quick wipe-down using a discarded robe, and then he turned to me again.

His mouth found mine, and I tried to remember if this was how he had always kissed me. He kissed me like he meant it, like he meant everything that a long, deep, slow kiss could possibly mean. And I wondered... could it possibly be the same, for him?

His warm hand sliding down from my throat to my stomach was a welcome distraction from that train of thought. Long fingers stroked over my dick, barely hard at all by then; it was as stunned as the rest of me.

"Still pretty worn out, huh?"

My throat was dry, so I had to swallow. "Yeah," I rasped, and it was the truth, even if it wasn't the real answer to his question.

He kissed my jaw, an open-mouthed kiss with his teeth scraping against my stubble, then started going down.

"You can stop me if you need to," he said between gentle kisses to my stomach that made my throat tighten up.

He knew I wouldn't stop him, but I wasn't so sure, when he took me into his mouth, and touched and stroked and sucked, and made love to my body with his lips and tongue and fingers. I wasn't sure until he had me groaning and grasping desperately at his hair, digging my fingers into his scalp as he touched me in all the ways that I liked, and it was so good that for those few moments, it was simple again. Me and Raidou, and pleasure, perfect pleasure, so much of it that it was all that existed.

Until I came down from my high, loosely pressed against Raidou's warm, solid body, and I felt his hand skimming over my side. No, things were not that simple. Things... had just gotten a hell of a lot more complicated, it seemed. But... it wasn't so bad, was it? Just because I loved Raidou... nothing had to change, did it?

The point of his hip was sharp under his tanned skin, and I rubbed circles around it with the pad of my thumb, and I thought about the occasional lovers I took when Raidou was gone, the lovers that couldn't hold a candle to the man sprawled lazily beside me. And I wondered.

"Thank you," he said, and when I looked up at his face, he elaborated. Sort of. "For not..."

I raised an eyebrow, and then I understood. For not making him uncomfortable by questioning him, for not hurting him, for not trying to go beyond his comfort zone.

"Oh," I said, and I gave his hip a squeeze. "Sure. Of course."

I grinned at him and gave him a quick, friendly kiss, then I rested my head against my pillow. Or maybe it was his pillow - it was mashed and slightly damp, and the image of him clutching it in shuddering arousal was startlingly clear in my mind.

I cleared my throat. "That... was so fucking hot. I'll do that any time you want me to, Rai," I promised.

He laughed a little, embarrassed as he still got, sometimes. "Okay. Good. I might."

I nodded, then settled against the sweaty pillow again.

"Guess we should try to get some sleep," he said, disentangling himself from me and rolling onto his back. "We've got to head out early."

"Yeah," I agreed. He was right.

We still had a long way to go before we made it home.


A/N: I started writing this one almost a year ago to the day, and I finally finished last night. Finally! XD

raidou, smut, fanfiction, answers, genma

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