Hold Me Down [Sado/Ishida/Orihime fic]

Jan 06, 2012 03:34

Title: Hold Me Down
Pairing: Sado/Ishida/Orihime
Rating: NC-17
Contents: m/m/f threesome, some sex, tickling, jealousy. This is set a year or so after the current arc, so all characters are intended to be over 18.
Summary: Chad is ticklish, and Ishida is uncertain... but Orihime is determined.
Beta-read by prplgrl--thank you so much! Any remaining ( Read more... )

rating:nc-17, smut, fanfic, orihime, ishida, chad

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Comments 8

shalomdebbie January 6 2012, 13:13:21 UTC

Thank youuuuu.

This was perfect and just what I needed this morning. <3


imlikat January 6 2012, 20:15:53 UTC
:) Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D


nehalenia January 6 2012, 19:49:55 UTC
This is fantastic! I love the way you write these three with the slow, simmering sexuality and all the emotions. Ishida is a perfect POV character for this 3some, and the way he's caught between jealousy, love, and desire is wonderful. I have always thought Orihime would have to be the one to start something like this -- or anything involving either of these two guys -- so I found this completely believable. All the characters are great, but your Orihime is completely adorable. All the tension, the hesitation, the play turning into foreplay and then to not-quite-"all the way" sex made this smoking hot, too. Wonderful story. I'm always excited to see fic from you.


imlikat January 6 2012, 20:18:00 UTC
Thank you so much!

Yeah, I can't see either one of the guys pushing for something like this, not without some major MAJOR hinting from Orihime, at the very least. They both seem too chivalrous to want to "force" something so unconventional on her. That, and I really do love thinking about Orihime starting it XD Maybe she has brainstorming sessions with Tatsuki, haha, and Tatsuki has no idea what to suggest, except that Orihime just be direct. Ah, love these three :)

I'm so glad you liked it!


coffee_gyrl January 9 2012, 00:06:43 UTC
Man this was amazingly hawt and smexy and I love how you kept the story from Ishida's POV. The emotions were great and the sharp contrasts and back and froth from physical desire moving along the fears that could have stopped them. One of the sweetest things was that Chad brought them towels and a bottle of water. It was just so caring and real. Funny the things that jump out at you.


imlikat January 9 2012, 04:36:25 UTC
Thank you very much! Ahhh, I bet Chad would be such a thoughtful lover :) And I love your icon! <3


random_hato January 10 2012, 03:43:43 UTC
so sweet and hawt! <3


imlikat January 10 2012, 23:56:18 UTC
:D Thank yooou!


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