Title: Hold Me Down
Pairing: Sado/Ishida/Orihime
Rating: NC-17
Contents: m/m/f threesome, some sex, tickling, jealousy. This is set a year or so after the current arc, so all characters are intended to be over 18.
Summary: Chad is ticklish, and Ishida is uncertain... but Orihime is determined.
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prplgrl--thank you so much! Any remaining
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Comments 8
Thank youuuuu.
This was perfect and just what I needed this morning. <3
Yeah, I can't see either one of the guys pushing for something like this, not without some major MAJOR hinting from Orihime, at the very least. They both seem too chivalrous to want to "force" something so unconventional on her. That, and I really do love thinking about Orihime starting it XD Maybe she has brainstorming sessions with Tatsuki, haha, and Tatsuki has no idea what to suggest, except that Orihime just be direct. Ah, love these three :)
I'm so glad you liked it!
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