I Got Bored

Jul 30, 2004 04:04

1) Name: Martin
2) Age: 17
3) Sex: Male
4) Birthday: January 16
5) Ethnicity: It varies from day to day
6) Hair Color: brown
7) Eye Color: blue, sometimes green
8) Height: 5' 11"
9) Weight: Around 200lbs
10) Righty or Lefty: righty
II: A Little More Detail
11) Place of Birth: Burlington
12) Time of Birth: i have no clue
13) Family: yeah, i have one
14) # of children: well, a kid called me dad once, but he also had ADHD
15) Current Grade-level: High School Senior
16) Build: I built a picnic shelter for my Eagle project
17) Religious Background: Why can't it be the foreground of my life?
18) Are your parents divorced? Happily married 30 years
19) If so, how old were you? well, i'm 17 and they're still married
20) Where do you work? well, now that camp's over i'm unimployed
21) Do you play any musical instruments? I play gigs occasionally
22) Political Affiliation? Inverse Party
23) Socio-economic background? I’m white
24) Organ donor? yup
25) Do you have a driver’s license? I do indeed
26) What kind of car do you drive? '96 Chevy Blazer
27) Do you own your car? yes
28) Do you smoke/drink? Why would I want to?
III: Your Past
29) How many times have you moved? houses or states? never
30) How many states have you lived in? just good old north kakalacky
31) US travels: a few interesting places, and then some other places
32) World travels: United States
33) Did you graduate high school? not yet, but coach says i'll be the first guy to ever graduate the 5 year plan
34) If so, what year? i'm hoping 2005
35) Where did you go to pre-school? i was the size of a guitar, do you really think i'll remember?
36) Where did you go to elementary school? Haw River and Hillcrest
37) Where did you go to middle school? Graham
38) Where did you go to high school? Eastern Alamance HS, but don't hold it against me
39) Ever been held back a grade? nope
40) Ever skipped a grade? no
41) Were you raised in daycare? i was raised by my mommy and daddy
IV: Have you ever…
42) Been in a fight? probably, boys will be boys
43) Done drugs? besides prescription, nope
44) Committed a crime? Speeding and grand theft street sign
45) Been arrested? no 46) Been in prison? i took a tour once
47) Broken a bone? not yet (knock on wood)
48) Contemplated suicide? too messy
49) Had surgery? hernia and tonsciles
50) Lost a tooth other than a baby tooth? Nope.
51) Had to wear a splint? nope
52) Almost drowned? mom thought i did
53) Been hit by a car? no, but i ran into one while walking once
54) Been in a car accident you didn’t cause? nope
55) Caused a car accident? no
56) Walked into a glass door? nope
57) Fallen down the steps? at least once every 2 months
58) Fallen *up the steps? who hasn't?
59) Hit your head on a ceiling fan? yep
60) Been on TV? occasionally
61) Been on the radio? not yet
62) Been in the newspaper? quite a bit, they love me
63) Won a science fair? yes
64) Been fired from a job? no, but i wish
65) Quit a job without leaving notice? i wanted to
66) Been published? nope
67) Gotten lost in a big city? getting lost is fun. The adventure is trying to find your way
68) Flown first class? i go to eastern
69) Ran away from home? it's not even worth trying
70) Hit an animal with your car on purpose? no
71) Been on a roller coaster? yep
72) Driven for more than 8 straight hours? not yet
73) Lost control of your car in the snow? not on snow
V: Do you believe in….
74) Love at first sight? lust at first sight, there is no love at first sight
75) Magic? I believe in miracles
76) God? Sure do. He's the greatest Father ever
77) Ghosts?: the Holy Ghost
78) Aliens?: Thirday did a song called Alien
79) Yourself? i can't do anything without God
80) Others? Jesus
81) Holistic healing? Hol-what?
82) Angels? Yes
83) Demons? Yes
84) Heaven? Yes
85) Hell? Yes
86) Purgatory? no
87) Near-death experiences? yes
88) Psychic abilities? "Hello my name is Miss Cleo and I'm a big fat fake"
89) Abortion? Oh, you mean murdering unborn children?
90) Affirmative action? no
VI: Your Love Life
91) First girlfriend/boyfriend: Betsey
92) First kiss: Calee Fussell
93) Have you ever been in love? i'm not sure
94) First love: Jesus
95) # of people you’ve dated: 1
96) # of people you’ve kissed: 3
97) # of people you’ve dumped: 0
98) Have you ever been heartbroken? Not really
99) Have you ever been a heartbreaker? nope
100) Have you ever been cheated on? nope
101) Have you ever cheated on someone? nope
102) Have you ever dated someone you didn’t even like? No, what's the point?
103) Have you ever been rejected? I'm a male human
104) Have you ever had a “friend with benefits”? I've had friends drive me places before
105) Have you ever dated someone and not told anybody? no
106) Have you ever dated someone your parents disapproved of? no
107) Have you ever dated someone whose parents disapproved of you? Dude, they loved me
108) Have you ever been engaged? what's the point, I'm 17
109) Have you ever been married? See 108
110) Have you ever been proposed to? See 108
111) Have you ever proposed to someone? See 108
112) Longest relationship: The only one last 6 months
113) Shortest relationship: (see above)
114) Best relationship: I've only had one
115) Worst relationship: I've only had one
116) Most romantic moment: Picking dandilions together
VII: Have you ever dated someone…
117) For their money? no
118) For their car? You gotta be kidding me
119) For their body? why?
120) Out of pity? that's not cool
121) Because you were lonely? i'm not alone as long as I have Jesus
122) Because of their friends? no
123) Because of their family? no
124) Because of their reputation? no
125) Because they were good in bed? no. if anyone put yes here, they're an idiot
126) To spite an ex? i didn't have an "ex"
127) To spite your family? no
128) To get revenge at a friend? revenge and friend don't really mix
129) To break their heart? That's not cool at all man
130) Out of fear? no
131) Because you couldn’t say no? in a way
132) Knowing it was temporary? most high school relationships are temporary
133) Over the internet? what's the point
VIII: Your Ideal Mate:
134) Hair color: the right one
135) Eye color: the right one
136) Skin color: the right one
137) Body type: the right one
138) Height: the right one
139) Education: the right one
140) Sense of humor: definately
141) Personality: Christian, loves life, loves me, loves Jesus
142) 5 most important traits (in order of importance): Christian (God made a girl for me, He'll let me know when the time is right)
143) 5 things that wouldn’t matter at all: All that matters is that she's the right one
IX: Your Sex Life:
144) Are you a virgin? sure am I didn't like any of the others. Sex is something that should be saved for marriage. I strongly believe in this, and as a Christian, I practice abstainance
X: Your favorite…
161) Movie: The Dirty Dozen
162) Band: The Beatles
163) Song: Layla, by Eric Clapton
164) Actress: Meg Ryan
165) Actor: Morgan Freedman is good
166) TV Show: 7th Heaven
167) Time of day: Whenever I go to bed
168) Season: Autumn
169) Holiday: Christmas
170) 5 guy friends (in no particular order): I have more than 5
171) 5 girl friends (in no particular order): They're all so great
172) Toothpaste brand: arm and hammer or crest
173) Car model: Chevy Blazer
174) Place to go on vacation: i haven't vacationed in years
175) Place to go on your day off: do i get one now?
176) Book: Jesus Freaks 177) Shirt: the Disco Jeans shirt
178) Animal: Maggie
179) Color: green
180) Shape: circles are cool
181) Age to be: the care free days of 2 were good
182) Memory: sitting on top of Baldy
183) Artist: Musical(Warren Barfield) Visual(Andy Warhol)
184) Instrument: guitar
185) Sound: Music
186) Food: Lasagna
187) Culture other than your own: Italian
188) Office supply: swivle chairs are fun
189) 80’s fashion: the flock of seagulls hair-do
190) Pet: Maggie, Katie, and Allie
XI: Misc. Questions (explain what and why):
191) If you could have one super power, it would be: turn my guitar into a glass of water whenever i wanted one
192) If you could go back to any time in your life, it would be: The Curious Savage was fun
193) If you could know the absolute truth about one thing, it would be: The Complex Infrustructure Known As The Female Mind
194) If you were invisible and could follow anyone around for a whole day, it would be: can i multiply, follow myself around, and keep myself accountable
195) If reincarnation was real, you would want to come back as a: i've always been a sucker for a second round
196) If you could be an expert in one subject, it would be: music
197) If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: God made me this way for a reason
198) If you won the lottery, you would spend the money on: buy two guitars and then donate the rest to cancer research
199) If your friends watched a video of your life, you would fast forward through: last fall
200) If you died today, the most tears at your funeral would come from: I don't want people to cry. When I die, I know that I'll be joining my Father in heaven. Those who truly love me would want me to be happy. There's no place happier than heaven

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