I hope you miss me when im gone

Oct 11, 2005 18:16

Open your pretty blue eyes and look the fuck around,
                  she's crazy about you

I just Text Nels. im such a fool, why do i do this to myself?

Im addicted to Quotes!!!!

You said "I don't care anymore"
&I wrote it on my hand
&&Then when you said it
You asked me why it was there
And with tears in my eyes I whispered
"Just as a reminder"

Grab my hand baby,
Lets watch my life fall apart

You took my heart
   &&then you slammed it on the ground
You even stomped on it a few times..
   But I just stood by and watched
And when your done
   I pick it up
Dust it off
   Tend to the sores and bruises
&&I hand it right back to you

I lied when i said i didn't adore you
They say that loves a hard thing to lost
That explains why 2 years later..
I'm still head over heels for you

I'm standing here alone
But i want you by myside
One look into your crystal blue eyes is all it takes
to make me melt away with butterflies

I'm just fine
Its not like your constantly on my mind....
Okay, I lied.
                  you are

We fall for boys who give us pretty words
                 &&false hope

After all is said and done, I still think you're amazing.
 I still cherish every moment I spent with you, every smile you brought to my face.
 I'll be forever thankful that someone like you was brought into my life,
even if you had to be taken away too soon.
See, you were my miracle. you were the fairytale I got to live.

i wish my mom could have told
   me the same thing about guys
    that she did about bikes.
".. sooner or later you`re
gonna fall && get hurt."

everyone keeps asking me if i'm okay;
what am i supposed to tell them?
no, i'm not okay .. and then what?
so i just smile and say i'm fine
even though i'm really dying inside..

Most girls say they want a fairy tale, but you taught me that it's not really what I want.
I want someone who will make fun of me & laugh at my jokes even if they aren't funny;
Someone that wrestles with me and doesn't let me win just because im a girl.
Yeah, riding off into the sunset on a white horse would be nice...
but playing thumb war with you seems so much better.

There are 6,470,818,671 people in the world.
some are running scared.
some are coming home.
some tell lies to make it through the day,
others are just now facing the truth.
some are evil men at war w. good,
 and some are good struggling with evil.
 6 billion ppl in the world, 6 billion souls
 and sometimes all you need is one.

Do you ever just put your arms out for someone elses
  and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what
 love is like; everything inside of you tells you to
  stop before you fall, but for some reason you just
keep going.

I know that the magic is still between us..
its just around the corner, down the street,
 behind a dumpster, in a cardboard box,
 in the back alley of your heart

I wish I was the one to put that twinkle in your eyes, I wish I could make you as happy as you Made me. But You've moved on and left me here
and i still need you like i always have.

on your machine i slurr a plea for you to come home
but i know that it's too late
i should have given you a reason to stay.

i want you to, like me, just a little
and i want you to hold me, just a little
and i want you to touch me, just a little.
and i want you to love me.

heavens not a place that you go when you die
its that moment in life when you actually feel alive.
so live for the moment..
and take this advice and live by every word
love is just a hoax,
so forget anything that you have heard.

POEM Written by: redsunsetsx3
this is about a girl who hides her feelings,
all locked upinside her.
only showing when she's alone.
this is about a girl who tries,
tries to feel
tries to care, but no one else does
so why should she?
this is about a girl who's in love,
in love with a boy she'll never have chance with.
a boy who is perfect in every way.
this is about a girl who wants to be loved
loved by anyone
but more by the boy.
this is about a girl who has pain,
pain stored in her body
and this pain wont go away.
this is about a girl who can fake a smile
fake the smile at school,
pretending thats she's ok, when she knows shes not.
this is about a girl...
who needs to be loved, by anyone

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