I been tagged

Apr 18, 2010 00:17

fencer_x tagged me with this things weeks ago, but here in a hotel room in Montana seems like the right time to actually fill it out. ^^

If you’ve been tagged, you must write your answers in your own lj and replace any question that you dislike with a new question. Tag eight people. Don’t refuse to do that. Don’t tag who tagged you.

What song are you currently addicted to?
Ippome is my happy song. Whenever I'm feeling frustrated it cheers me up, meaning that I've been listening to it a lot lately. XD Finishing up school is hectic. XD;

What books are you currently reading?
Does manga count, because I'm not reading much besides Bleach, Berserk, Air Gear, Fullmetal Alchemist, and fanfiction.

What’s the most enjoyable thing you’ve done today?
I gave my presentation on cosplay at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research here at the University of Montana, and it went over really well. People showed a lot of interest, and I got a lot of interesting questions. Also, I was wearing Madame Red at the time. :D!

What is the one skill you wish you had?
The last 2 people that I've seen fill this out said proficiency in Japanese, so I'm going to be different and say armor making!

What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
cosplay~~~, tenipuri/myu, air gear, Japanese theater in general

If you could ask any celebrity any question you wanted, without fear of repercussion and being assured a truthful answer, who would you ask, and what?
Tough one! Uuummmmmm. I think I'd like to ask Yuzawa his feelings on sex and gender identity and just how many dresses he owns. XD; Leave it at the first part and it almost sounds like a deep topic!

What Web sites do you always visit when you go online?
lj, gmail, ameblo, and facebook. often cosplay.com, onemanga, and tokyotosho

What was the last thing you bought?
Aside from the bowl of noodles and other food-related things, I got my fabric for Judeau from Berserk last weekend. :D Or wait. Does paying to get fingerprinted count, because that happened more recently...

Which fictional character would you like to be for one day?
Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon. I want to be a skinny little boy and ride a giant flying lizard. :DDD

What book would you recommend to friends?
House of Leaves. It will mess with your mind~

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
White lable Gogo No Koucha!!! And karaoke! I need milk tea and music, and I haven't been getting enough of it since returning to the States. xox

What is the best place you’ve ever been?
The river near Waseda when he cherry blossoms were in full bloom. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my life. ♥

What was the last meal you ate?
[see aforementioned bowl o' noodles]

Do you want to learn another language?
I want to be better at one, at least~. My Japanese needs a lot of work. Though more than that, I probably need confidence in speaking it. I'm too embarrassed about sounding like a retarded 5 year old in Japan to go out of my way to speak it and get practice.

Six things you can’t live without.
Internet, sewing machine, sketchbook, friends, DS, short-grain rice

Apart from your computer/laptop, what's in front of you right now?
my cell-phone, satchel, jacket, boarding passes, and Tompy (one of my roommates for the weekend and the only other person from my school to go to Tokyo last year~)

What's the weather like where you are right now?
Brisk. Not too cold, kinda windy, and I can see snow on the mountains!

What are you looking forward to?

What are you planning to do after you finish this meme?
What I should do is study Japanese art history and work on pulling together my senior art presentation for this Tuesday. ^^;

If you feel like doing this meme, then consider yourself tagged. I don't feel like calling people out tonight.

Aaaand for a quick life update~ I managed to pull everything together to present my cosplay research this morning! And like I said in the meme, it went really well!

I flew up here to Montana on Wednesday and will be flying back to FU tomorrow. Hopefully. There's been some major problems with the flights for 3 people in our group. On the way here, we had a connection that was waaaay too tight, and we almost missed it. When we got to the check-in counter for the plane we needed, they happened to be holding it for another couple, so we didn't miss it completely. HOWEVER, because we were so late checking in, they had given our seats away. This turned out nicely for our little group because the only remaining seats were in business class. Yay squishy chairs, dinner and legroom!!! Problem now though is that whoever gave away our seats somehow accidentally canceled our return flights. o_o Supposedly they're sorting it out, but as of right now I have only 2 out of 3 boarding passes and no seat numbers listed. Not cool.

But you know what is cool? Dancing in an inter-tribal Indian pow wow. That was awesome!

rl, meme, cosplay

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