I'm married. I can't believe how fast the year went. Also how fast the past few weeks went. Married, went to HI (we missed the earthquake by a day) and moved myself out west to Colorado Springs (yes it snowed my first day here).
Now all I have to do is find a job and work at getting my masters.
Anyway here are pics from the wedding....enjoy
Sep 25, 2006 08:05
Sep 18, 2006 13:55
had my shower yesterday.....thanks to everyone that was there it was fun.....ill see if i can post some pics later
Aug 29, 2006 00:12
yeah look at the time. i just have a lot on my mind and i dont know how to get it to come out. so much has been going through my head these past few days and know its one in the morning and the one person i really want to talk to isnt online hell they never are. i just...shit i dont know, maybe its because i havent been sleeping, maybe its work
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Jul 28, 2006 10:44
my myspace account deleted itself and that just pisses me off
other then that its ok im doing k and everything is going well.......how is everyone doing? whats new?