You are a Dark Mask, the fourth class of vampire.
You can adapt easily to any climate and
situation. Your servants are few, mostly
because you choose not to sire others. Your
chief ability is shiftery-- you can become
anyone or anything. Overall, you are a great
person. Keep us guessing.
What class of vampire are you? (more new images!) brought to you by
Quizilla You will be reincarnated as an Etherworld spirit:
This world was never meant for one as beautiful
as you. Maybe this life has not been heaven,
but you shall someday understand what is.
What will you be reincarnated as? brought to you by
Quizilla I'm sitting here doing a bunch of nothing. I'm bored to death. I haven't been up too long. I got up around midnight. I figured I'd get on here and check my email and read my friend's journals. I managed to get all my mail caught up yesterday. I wrote a total of 25 letters. But I'm completely done. Today I'll go buy some stamps and send them out. I typed them all which helps out a great deal. I was out of ink, but we went and bought some Dr. Pepper at Wal-Mart and knowing I'll have a good paycheck this time I picked some ink up. I also saw that Tomb Raider was out, so we got that as well.
I got to read a little more on Blood Canticle yesterday also. I'll probably read some more in a little bit. I'm about to get off here. I have 2 more of my journals to go through, then I'll be finished.
Well, I'm going to end here. I'm not much in a mood for writing after all them letters yesterday. (At least I'm finally caught up) So if you're expecting a letter from me, you will get it shortly. Until next time. ~Later!~