I fear this will be long, honestly. Most pairings will probably revolve around
paradisa cause just like Ace, my head is totally in there most of the time... even in my dreams. All the cool kids were doing it so I though, HEY WHY NOT HAVE JACK DO IT TO 8Db because god knows his might just be epic. Awesome for that.
My Torchwood OTP man. This relationship is adorable, at the very beginning Jack flirted shamelessly, however Jack flirts shamelessly with a lot of people, there was something that did attract Jack to him but the whole; "Cyberman Girlfriend in MY basement" thing happened and that fell apart. While it might have been the first time they kissed Jack didn't exactly trust him for a while. And they developed a relationship, slowly of course and it became adorable; because the first time in Jack's life he wasn't about to use Ianto up and toss him away, he actually loved the Welshman, despite the fact he knew that Ianto was going to grow old while he remains the same.
And then
paradisa happened \o/. Jack's memories of Ianto were taken, he couldn't remember him or what he had felt for the man, it was incredibly awkward at first because Jack found himself rather at a loss. For a while he didn't try to repair the bridges that had been torn with his loss, and then he gave Minato some advice about losing the memories of a loved one which in turn prompted him to try and try their relationship again.
Cue adorableness.
Guilty pleasure. Honestly they are hot, really hot, and to try and imagine what Jack was like before he met the Doctor makes it even more hot. Of course as things stand now the chance of them ever getting back together is slim, Jack has his teaboy. He doesn't hate John, despite the fact he is a walking reminder of what Jack used to be, of someone he doesn't want to become ever again.
It's still hot though, really hot.
Another guilty pleasure >.> I can't help that Tosh is as cute as a button, while it isn't exactly a ship the potential for it is still there. Seeing her alive made Jack die a little inside, at first he wouldn't let her out of his sight --seriously it was constant Tosh watching-- eventually he began to guilt trip, but that's another story. He loves her, much like a sister and is afraid that when and if she does leave Paradisa completely he'll never see her again.
And then there was the fact she was turned into a fox, which won Jack over completely, if he hadn't promised Ianto a date he probably would have witnessed fox!Tosh becoming Naked!Tosh instead of Owen. AHEH.
No elephant ears. This is my guilty pleasure of all guilty pleasures, I do honestly adore them to itty bitty pieces. Jack still loves him, he does, he always will; this is the man who changed his life for the better and even though he hated him at first, Jack will never ever truly despise him. The chance of them getting involved is pretty slim, but they still fit together like an old married couple at times. Honestly Ten is one of his best friends, alongside of Donna, Rose, Martha and Mickey--and Owen but shh.
He is able to tell when Ten is lying about something, or when he is sulking, brooding and what not, and most of the time he'll be able to get it out of the Doctor... even if they don't exactly talk about it properly. He'll be there for him through thick and thin, Ten is someone Jack will forever trust with his life. They understand, trust and respect each other immensely, and while they will often get on either others nerves (and cause food fights, or petty squabbles, or five minutes of no talking in which Jack starts flirting with the TARDIS) they are close, incredibly close.
Not exactly a ship but Jack holds a lot of trust and respect for both of them. He won't question Five's choice of bedmates (Jack can't judge, see: JOHN HART), because he is also the Doctor no matter what regeneration he is. Five came to Jack's aid when he was being tortured by the Sixth Master, with great risk to himself he came and helped him. Even before that he held Five (and Eight) in high esteem, because of it they were held even higher. And no, Jack won't stop flirting with the TARDIS.
Eight is just awesome, he reminds him a little of Nine and, much like the other two, has the ability to see through Jack's lame attempts at lying. As he can't lie to the Doctor no matter how much he tries.
Oh man does this have potential, but not a ship. Still they relationship is awesome, they were instant best mates and often joke about Donna carrying his child loudly for everyone to hear. Mostly because they know it makes Ten go all; "O.O" at them and that is simply hilarious. She's a bloody wonderful person to talk too and flirts back at him as much as he flirts with her, if he wasn't cheating on her with Ianto and fighting over her with Peter he'd hog her all to himself.
If only this man was gay or even bi! Jack is willing to turn him though, ahem. Honestly though, it's the Scottish accent, Jack loves accents he does. Has no potential but hey if he could he would, honestly. Although despite the lack of shipping, they have a pretty alright friendship... thingy... fighting over Donna, it's fun.
Thought it'd be longer ;x might end up adding more to it later or something I'M NOT SURE...And there it ends because any more and I'll start rambling and I haven't enough coffee for that... or something. ♥ Now to get my shoes on and zip out the door again :/