Title: ready to start Recipient: juliella Pairing: Tao/Gongchan (B1A4) Rating: PG Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]There is a fairly brief mugging scene and some minor blood/injuries. Summary: I may be Batman, but you’re Robin my heart. (Alternate title: your luv + my luv = super luv.) Author's notes: I'm sorry for the incredibly off-the-wall interpretation of your prompt but I
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First of all I never thought of this pairing but it's PERFECT. LIKE, BRILLIANT. !(◎_◎;) secondly I loved the story and Zitao working at a makeup counter Because of course he would work at a makeup counter And you even included Candy!!! And Chansik is brilliant, so super hero but so clutzy at it and Zitao is thirsty Lol And fight club! And Zitao wants to join! And I really really want to read more ;;;; ♡ Also who doesn't like masks because masks
I wasn't expecting to see a GongTao so this was such a nice surprise! Everything about this fic was just so freaking cute ;~; I really enjoyed your snappy dialogue, it really built this nice rapport between them that seemed so realistic. Like even despite the circumstances they're still totally the two super goofy individuals they are and can't help being playful with one another. I giggled so much at those Fight Club refs and Tao falling for GC's teasing. Plus, Taondy!!! I forreal screeched at how cute this was: Candy is barking like the guard dog she thinks she is while Zitao stands there, holding her leash limply in his hand. That last line was the perfect way to end this off but I'm still so interested to see where their misadventures would lead them (I'm a bit worried about a city in which Tao's fighting crime t b h /o\)
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