RIP Pop-Pop
4-20-1911 until 7-9-2005
Pop-Pop ... September 16, 2001 ... 90-years-young
Pop-Pop, me, Bryan, Grandmom, and Chris ... October 12, 1987 [the day of my birth]
Pop-Pop and I ... April 2001 ... his surprise 90th birthday party
Pop-Pop was my great-grandfather by title. But to me, he was a great-grandfather, a grandfather, and a father. I never had a grandfather or a real father in my 17 years, except for him. He's influenced who I've become and he'll continue to influence me long after this week. No one is quite like him, honestly. He's the most caring, loving, and compassionate person I've ever known. He lived an amazing life and is now in a better place. I love him more than I've loved anyone or anything in my life and if I live a life half as great as his, I'll die a happy person. I love you Pop-Pop.