1. where did you first hear about yovee?
-ridingin vans with boys...i did the same as megan! i looked up the credits
2. do you have their cd?
- no not yet..but i listen to a couple songs online
3. what's your favorite song off of the album?
- intimate controversy
4. have you ever seen the band play live?
-no :( :(
5. what's your favorite lyric from a yovee song?
-ah this a tough one..."intimacy only comes with controversy"
6. what's your name?
- kelsey
7. where are you from?
-chicago, il
8. were you invited to this community, if you weren't, how did you find it?
-i was invited :) :)
well its a bit early to update..but i guess i am anyweays! haha. i got woken up this mornign by chuck and paige..not even COOL...but last night me n my golfin buddy katie went to burrito loco and dunkin donuts..fun times! and today ill hit the range with her before my meeting. then maybe burrito loco again. i know ill end up watchig the urethra chronicles again. im in the mood for that! haha.a cute boy kissed my baby yesterday! cristi and chris hehehehe. ok this is all for today.