here is a mild example of one factitious disorder by proxy case (munchausen disorder by proxy)

Apr 10, 2004 21:50

its disgusting what these parents do to their children ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

tapcat2 April 10 2004, 19:34:49 UTC
You really should read A child called it by Dave Pelzer. I think I told you about it, but it's about a woman who does absolutely horrible things to her son. It's a very sad read, but it was a very moving book.


engelmo April 11 2004, 13:11:44 UTC
read that book like 3 times. it is so sad.


zbeat April 10 2004, 22:23:34 UTC
Another example is in The 6th Sense. The one sister kills her younger sibling, I guess for attention or something less sinister and more ridiculous.


wrong you are zbeat April 10 2004, 23:50:33 UTC
sorry-- stumbled on here and thought i should let you know that it was not the sister, but rather the mother that killed her child by posioning her child...

just for the record, because i'm anal like that :-)


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